This year we are focussing our prayer life across the Baptist movement in:
4 seasons (Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring), focusing on
4 spotlights (Health, Justice, Leadership and Mission) in
4 spaces (as individuals, churches, regions and movement).
4x4 Prayer Nights
Once each season, we’ll be meeting online to spend some time praying from wherever you are, across all the regions of our movement. We’ll focus on that season’s spotlight as well as bringing to God all that is happening in our 4 spaces. Put these times in your diaries and register by following the links below.
This winter season our prayer spotlight is ‘leadership‘. As you pray through the daily prompts you’ll see an emphasis on asking God to raise leaders from amongst our churches to be used by Him in transformative ways amongst us and beyond us. We need a generation of diverse, faithful and called leaders to see 1000 healthy churches in a generation.
“So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” (Matthew 9:38).
Monday 1st: Please pray, along with the Children and Families Team, for the junior leaders(years 9-12) participating in the upcoming State Kids Camp. These young people are already involved in ministry in their local churches. Pray as they prepare to lead in a new space in a way that will stretch them and show them how God prepares, gifts and sustains.
Tuesday 2nd: Baptist World Aid would like us to pray along with them for the conflict and suffering in Sudan. Pray for safety for women and children, with reports of increased domestic violence, abuse and exploitation in conflict areas. Pray for access to education as the conflict has pushed up to 19 million children out of schools. Pray for access to healthcare for families, with rising cases of measles, malaria, cholera and dengue fever. Pray for BWA’s partners as they provide essential health and nutrition services – that they can respond quickly to people’s needs. Please join us all in praying for an end to the conflict and violence.
Wednesday 3rd: Craig Corkill and the Discipleship and Leadership Development teams would like us to pray today for those pastors starting our Lite House training this month for new Senior/Sole/Campus/Congregation pastors, or those who may soon take up those roles. Pray that they would be equipped, encouraged and empowered as they grow in leadershipand service.
Thursday 4th: Please pray today for the Impact Gap Year program (a partnership between the Baptist Association Team and Morling College). Give thanks for the students’ recent Cambodia trip & for the learning and growth that happened through there. Pray for the students as they start studies for Semester 2. Pray also that God would call young people to this great formational program and that they would enrol in IMPACT for 2025. Pray that, through this program, God would raise up a new generation of leaders.
Friday 5th: Our regional ministry in the Western Districts is led by Regional Minister Wayne Spencer (pastor at Yeoval Baptist) and his growing team. Pray for them and for ministry and mission amongst these regional and remote churches in small towns, that God would use them together to grow his Kingdom. Pray especially for Trenton Grofos, pastor at Cobar Baptist Church (one of our most remote congregations), who received the David Brown Scholarship for commitment to regional and remote ministry at our recent Annual Gathering / Assembly.
Saturday 6th: Australian Baptist Ministries (ABM) would like us to pray with them for the Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering in Nigeria this month. Please pray for a fruitful conference and safety for all attendees.
Sunday 7th: Please pray for NAIDOC week which starts today. These aren’t just events but kingdom opportunities to embody our Lord’s reconciliation, healing and flourishing for the world He has called us to. Let’s pray for more opportunities to be led by our First Nations brothers and sisters in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18).
Monday 8th: State Kids Camp begins today at Kiah Ridge. Thank God for the kids and leaders who are part of this peak experience. Pray that they will find their faith strengthened by being part of the camp. Pray that all those who are part of the camp would move and grow towards Jesus. Pray for safety, wisdom and strength for all who are leading and part of this camp.
Tuesday 9th: Please pray for Baptist Financial Services and their work supporting our churches and numerous ministries across our movement. Pray for smooth transition for team and customers with upgrades to the BFS online platforms.
Wednesday 10th: Shelley Ashton and the Association’s SRE team would love you to pray for the ministry of Special Religious Education in NSW. Pray for the health of SRE teachers and for them as they have a break in these school holidays. Pray that this coming new term would be fruitful as SRE teachers help children in their classes to know more about Jesus and his Good News for them.
Thursday 11th: Please pray for ongoing multiple conflicts around the world, which also affect our migrant diaspora communities here in Australia. Our local Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) churches continue to feel the pain of conflicts such as those in Myanmar, Ukraine, Middle East, Sudan, PNG and beyond. Some of these conflicts have lasted for many decades. Please pray for healing amongst communities affected, best practice action and for biblical justice.
Friday 12th: Please join with the State Kids Camp team in thanking God for all the ways he has been at work in the lives of the kids and their leaders at SKC this week. Thank God for His Spirit who goes with the kids back to their homes, helping them to continue to live out God’s ways. Pray that the kids who were part of SKC would continue to see themselves as part of God’s mission and would have friends who can encourage them as they live Jesus’ way in their schools, homes and community.
Saturday 13th: Pray for the newly launched church plant in the Hills District of Sydney called “The Local”. Ask for God’s protection for the gathering of young and old in worship and service. Pray for church planters Cass & Rich Langton, and Reuben & Sarah Morgan, who serve as the core team in this church. Pray for their unity, peace and joy as they serve together to make Jesus known to the locals. Pray for their humility and faithfulness as they imitate Christ’s sacrificial love through servanthood leadership.
Sunday 14th: Please pray today for our Director of Ministries, Steve Bartlett, and for his Executive Leadership Team (Heidi Tak – Associate Director, Operations; Craig Corkill – Associate Director, Discipleship and Leadership Development; Jamie Freeman – Associate Director, Mission and Church Development, and Grae McWhirter – Associate Director, Strategic Support and Regional Development). Pray for them as they lead the various ministries and services provided to our family of churches and pastors towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation. Pray for wisdom, insight, vision and favour on them.
Monday 15th: Pray for Jenny Casey (Team Leader, Ministry Affirmation) and the Affirmation Oversight Team, as they assist leaders to explore their call to ministry through becoming Accredited or Recognised Ministers. Pray for those leaders who have entered that journey of vocational ministry this year and for the ministries they are already exploring or participating in. Pray that God would raise more leaders to pastor churches, plant churches and lead in and beyond our churches this year and in to the future.
Tuesday 16th: Pray for “Greater West for Christ”, our regional ministry which serves the western suburbs of Sydney. Pray for their leadership team, including Mark Chapple the Regional Minister (and pastor at Penrith Baptist Church). Pray that through GWFC’s ministries and businesses, churches would be encouraged to grow in health, leaders would be raised up and equipped, justice would be championed, churches would multiply and people in that part of Sydney would be impacted by the love of Jesus.
Wednesday 17th: Please pray for the peace of Christ to be experienced in places of greatest need, locally and globally. Pray for an end to war, for healing from illnesses and for relief for those suffering. Pray for the witness and ministry of our churches and Baptist family locally, nationally and internationally in the most needful places, that God would work mightily with the transforming power of his love, grace and justice.
Thursday 18th: Please pray for Tim Burns, Team Leader Church Health, who is meeting with State counterparts today to continue collaboration on a national church revitalisation framework. Pray that through this framework and the ongoing service of our church health team, struggling churches would be equipped and encouraged in a journey of revitalisation.
Friday 19th: Pray for Camp Elim, the Christian Conference Centre which is part of our North Coast Region, situated just south of Forster. Pray for new leadership and for fruitful ministry and service to those who come to stay.
Saturday 20th: There is a growing number of school chaplains from our churches serving in public schools. Pray for them as they practically share Jesus’ love through caring actions, particularly to children and young people in need in our schools. Pray for the Greater West Chaplaincy network support numerous chaplains in churches in the western suburbs of Sydney. Pray for the vision to see this ministry spread to other regions as we desire to impact our communities with love and grace.
Sunday 21st: The team at Morling College would like us to praise God for the first year of Tim MacBride’s service as Principal. Pray that he will continue to know God’s purpose, power and protection. Pray for Morling students as they complete Winter School units and start Semester 2 tomorrow. Thank God for new students who will join Morling this Semester. Pray that they will start well and flourish.Thank God for churches who have identified and affirmed people for study at Morling.
Monday 22nd: Please pray today for our Regional Teams Conference which will be held from today until Wednesday at Kiah Ridge. Pray for the Regional Ministers and their teams from across the whole of our movement who will meet together. Pray for encouragement, inspiration and equipping as we seek to support all our regions to grow in effective ministry and partnership towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation. Pray especially for the Baptist Youth Ministry Team joining the Regional Teams Conference for the first time, as we seek to see a regional leader in youth and young adult ministry appointed in each region across our movement. Please ask God to raise up these leaders to join their regional teams and enhance regional ministry across our movement of churches.
Tuesday 23rd: Today is the start of a new term at Bedford College. Pray for all Bedford’s new students, especially their international students who are in Australia for the first time. Pray that the staff would continue to provide students with a caring, Christian environment that will help support and enhance their ability to flourish.
Wednesday 24th: Pray today for Baptist Mission Australia. Pray for Andrew Duncan (NSW/ACT State Director) and his team. Ask God to raise leaders who can cross cultures to share the love and grace of Jesus. Pray especially for BMA’s Australian based intercultural team, committed to sharing Jesus with CALD communities in our own country. Pray that God would work mightily amongst them.
Thursday 25th: Please pray today for the Affirmation Oversight Team as they guide, support, interview and approve leaders who sense a call to pastoral leadership as accredited or recognised ministers. Pray for wisdom and guidance as today the team will be interviewing more applicants. Pray also as the team navigates implementing the changes adopted by the Assembly last month. Pray also for accredited and recognised ministers who will be impacted by these decisions, and pray for their churches in this too.
Friday 26th: As pastors, safe church teams, other leaders and accreditation candidates gather for Advanced Creating Safe Spaces training over 2 days in late July and early August, pray it will be a beneficial time of growing in depth of understanding and insight and ultimately further equipping church leaders in this vital area of oversight and witness.
Saturday 27th: Today please pray for the Coast Churches Network (our regional ministry in the Central Coast) and for Regional Minister Phil Blair (Senior Pastor at Green Point Baptist Church). Pray for Phil and team as they encourage our churches in the Central Coast to develop leaders, invest in church health and multiply disciples and congregations. Pray also for new church plants in the Central Coast region, including “Bloom Co.”
Sunday 28th: Pray for the growing number of Baptist pastors who are now serving as volunteer Police Chaplains with the NSW Police Force. Pray for them as they serve police officers and the communities around them. Ask God to support them in challenging circumstances, during times of trauma and emergency, and in difficult conversations. Pray that God would raise up more leaders to serve Jesus in these key roles amongst the Police.
Monday 29th: Pray for the “Arise and Impact” church plant in Campsie in the suburbs of Sydney. Pray that God will raise up young leaders for the church and impact the culture of the church community. Pray for the leadership of pastors Peter and Frencing, who are working together to serve both first-generation immigrants from Indonesia and second-generation English speakers. Pray for the fruitfulness of this church plant through their faithful leadership.
Tuesday 30th: Today is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Please pray that God’s people would address slavery, and help people find justice and freedom. Pray for Baptist World Aid’s influence and service in this area, and for the work of other agencies like Destiny Rescue.
Wednesday 31st: As you pray for effective and fruitful ministry of Australian Baptist Ministries, pray for our National Director of ABM, Mark Wilson, for Crossover Australia and its director Andrew Turner (resourcing evangelism nationally) and for A Just Cause and its director Scott Higgins (resourcing churches in the area of justice nationally). Give thanks that nationally, baptisms in our movement in Australia increased in 2023 by 34%! Ask God to continue to move and for Baptists worldwide to faithfully serve and work where God leads.
Thursday 1st: Pray that there is a strong sense of partnership with God as Morling College, churches and other organisations work together. Pray for the final preparations for the forthcoming development on the Sydney campus at Macquarie Park. Ask God for strong relationships and good communication with the Morling College campus organisations, the developers, and our neighbours.
Friday 2nd: Today we’d love you to pray for the Baptist Youth Ministry Team. Pray for Sarah Alarcon (Team Leader, Youth and Young Adults). Sarah and her team need prayer as they support youth pastors, leaders and groups across our movement. Ask God to bless them as they seek to raise more leaders from and for this key generation. Pray that God would empower churches to invest in ministry to our young people to see more teenagers and young adults discipled and growing in their faith in Christ.
Saturday 3rd: Australian Baptist Ministries (ABM) would like us to join them praying this month for the Trans-Pacific Gathering in Darwin. Pray also for the broader work of the Asia Pacific Baptist Federation, comprising 7 million Baptists throughout the region. Pray that God would continue to grow his church in our part of the world, raising leaders from all nations to serve Him in their local communities.
Sunday 4th: Pray for our regional ministry in and around Canberra and for Regional Minister Nick Barber. Pray for Nick and his team as they bring together the pastors, leadersand churches across the region for relationship building, resource sharing, raising leaders and reproducing congregations. Pray that the churches in Canberra would be fruitful, unified, missional and multiplying. Pray that our churches in Canberra would have a Gospel impact on those who work to lead our nation from its capital. Pray for our national leaders, that they would lead with justice and mercy and be opened to the grace, love and truth of Jesus.
Monday 5th: Pray today for BaptistCare and the amazing work it does serving the elderly and vulnerable in our society. Pray especially for the BaptistCare National Leadership Event which is being held from today until Wednesday. The BaptistCare team ask us to pray for God’s ongoing protection and blessings over staff, volunteers, clients, finances, IT systems and properties.
Tuesday 6th: Pray for the leaders of kids and families ministries in churches across NSW & ACT. Thank God for their ministry with children. Ask God to gift them with the ability to lead teams well, to see the possibilities and to partner with families in nurturing the faith of children.
Wednesday 7th: Please pray today, along with the Discipleship and Leadership Development Teams, for the churches which will be commencing Building a Discipleship Culture initiatives, coaching and equipping. Pray that through this and other means, our churches will become communities of vibrant discipleship where people meet Jesus and grow in him together.
Thursday 8th: Today please pray for SRE teachers in our schools as they interact with principals, teachers, parents and students, that they would do so with grace, love and relying on Jesus. Pray for the ongoing relationships with third party groups that have a vested interest in the SRE space in schools. Pray that God would continue to bless and protect this amazing ministry opportunity.
Friday 9th: Please pray for Pete Davies, Regional Minister in the North and Mid-north Coast Regions (and pastor at Boambee Baptist Church). Pray for Pete as he leads and encourages pastors, leaders and churches in that region to work together to see the Kingdom grow in the North Coasts, contributing towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation in NSW and ACT.
Saturday 10th: Steve Dixon leads the Bedford College team. Pray for God’s wisdom and strength for Steve and his team and that they may fulfil the vision to be a thriving, healthy, ministry based on a Biblical Christian worldview, operating as a high quality educational institution which prepares people with essential skills for the workplace, while offering a stepping stone to higher education.
Sunday 11th: Please pray for the Association’s Simple Church Network. Pray for the leaders in simple churches who are balancing their weekday work with their leadership responsibilities, that God may graciously provide their needs and continue to ignite their passion and joy in ministry. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s empowering to lead to the multiplication of disciples, leaders and groups within our movement.
Monday 12th: Today is International Youth Day. Along with Baptist World Aid, please pray that young people will be able to break the cycle of poverty for generations to come. Pray that our churches would be safe, loving and enriching communities for children and young people, and places where we consider all generations as fellow disciples.
Tuesday 13th: Tomorrow (7.45pm-8.30pm) we meet online to pray together. Please join us – REGISTER HERE. Please pray that God would inspire his people throughout our movement to be faithful in prayer – praying for health, justice, leadership and mission in our movement of churches as we journey towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation.
Wednesday 14th: Please pray for Transform Southern Sydney (our regional ministry in the southern suburbs of Sydney) and Regional Minister Jamie Wendt (Senior Pastor at Padstow Baptist Church). Pray for Jamie and his team as they equip and encourage pastors and leaders towards 100 healthy churches transforming the suburbs of southern Sydney. This area of Sydney includes communities of various cultures from around the globe. Pray particularly for the churches in this region who minister interculturally, that God would use them and grow them to reach their communities.
Thursday 15th: Tonight is the Association’s Accreditation Service for 2024. Pray for those pastoral leaders who will be commissioned in front of family, friends and representatives of their churches. Pray that God would use this night as an encouraging confirmation of their calling. Pray that God would strengthen and bless these leaders in the next phase of their service and leadership. Pray that God would continue to raise up more leaders as we journey together towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation.
Friday 16th: Pray for the “The Lord is My Shepherd” church plant in Lakemba in Sydney. Pray that God would strengthen the church through the development of church leadership. Pray for Pastor Jacob and his assistant Asma, who seek further study of the Bible and leadership skills. Pray for their long-term goals for the church’s growth in serving the primarily Muslim-populated community in and around Lakemba.
Saturday 17th: Pray for Morling’s Council/Board, Morling Foundation, Learning and Teaching Committee, and Indigenous Advisory Panel who are all meeting this month. Pray that the Morling Board Retreat day which is on today, will be purposeful and full of God’s wisdom and vision. Praise God for the opportunities Morling has to partner with God in the raising of women and men as leaders to serve God wherever He has or will send them!
Pray for those in the Morling and Malyon teams as they work towards the merge of the two Colleges in Jan 2025.
Sunday 18th: In the growing complexity of government regulation and compliance for churches, pray that God will be raising up godly and wise leaders with expertise and experience in these areas to support their churches and help all our churches be safe places for all people. Pray for churches managing difficult legal and compliance matters. Pray that they will be generous, gracious and caring in their approach to victim survivors, offering the hope that Jesus brings. Pray that they will be wise in their decision making. Please also pray for the leadership and support that our CSS presenters provide across our movement. Pray they would present with clarity, sensitivity and above all in truth with love. Pray and thank God for them.
Monday 19th: Pray for Ridgecrest, the Christian Conference Centre which is part of our Western Districts Region, situated on the shores of Lake Burrendong just outside of Wellington. Pray for Director Renee McClure and her team. Pray for their numerous camps and ministries and for the impact of the Gospel on many lives through their programs and hospitality.
Tuesday 20th: The Church Health team invite you to pray today and over the next couple of days for the Multiply Residential Learning Intensive. Multiply is a 2 year program of training and coaching that supports pastors in leading their churches to improved health and the multiplication of disciples, leaders and congregations. Please ask God for this intensive to be encouraging, challenging and equipping for the pastoral leaders who attend.
Wednesday 21st: Please pray today for our Assembly Council. Pray as they serve in this crucial governance role in our Association, for wisdom, insight, guidance and discernment. Pray especially for Chairperson Allen Sibley as he leads the Assembly Council and for Steve Bartlett as Director of Ministries who works closely with them.
Thursday 22nd: Today a number of our SRE teachers will be learning how to use our Godspace SRE material. This home grown curriculum is used not only by Baptist SRE teachers, but teachers from other denominations throughout NSW and in QLD. Pray that today’s training will assist our SRE teachers in their ministry in schools.
Friday 23rd: Please pray for churches across our movement which are currently seeking new pastoral leadership. Pray for guidance and discernment for both churches and pastors and for the provision and development of more leaders to pastor existing churches and plant new churches.
Saturday 24th: Please pray today for Lorna Harper and her team at our Kiah Ridge Conference Centre. Pray for provision for every need for the Kiah Ridge team members and their families. Pray for God’s hand on everyone who meets at Kiah Ridge from schools, to churches to ministry teams and special events. Pray that God would impact and transform the lives of people who visit Kiah Ridge and that his love and grace will draw people towards him.
Sunday 25th: “Sydney Nepali Church,” is a church plant in the process of seeking affiliation as a church in our movement. Praise God for the church serving the Nepali community in Auburn and beyond. Thanks be to God for this thriving faith community. Thank God for the fruitfulness of new members and families of all ages through the leadership of Pastor Jeevan and the team. Pray for God’s protection and his continued blessings through the Association’s support in partnership and collaboration.
Monday 26th: Please pray for the churches in the Hunter region, for Regional Minister Matt Brown (Senior Pastor at Swansea Baptist Church) and his regional leadership team. Pray for their work raising leaders, training interns, establishing networks and planting churches as they move towards their goal of 100 vibrant churches transforming the Newcastle and Hunter area.
Tuesday 27th: Pray today for BaptistCare chaplains. Today they will be meeting for the BaptistCare NSW/ACT Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Conference. Pray for encouragement, equipping, inspiration and renewal for our chaplains who attend, that God would empower them for their next season of ministry and service to people in the name of Jesus.
Wednesday 28th: Pray for Living Hope Funerals, a faith-based funeral service which is part of our Transform Southern Sydney Region. Pray for the growth of this business which ministers to grieving families while also releasing resources for Baptist ministry amongst our churches. Pray for the LHF team as they share the love of Jesus with hurting families.
Thursday 29th: Our churches rely on local leaders to enable Gospel focussed ministry on the ground. Please pray for Church Secretaries, Treasurers, Deacons, Elders, Council members and all leaders. Pray for local church teachers, helpers, hosts, small group leaders, disciples, mentors, workers with children, youth, adults and seniors. Ask God to bless them, strengthen them and provide what they need to follow the call of Jesus in their lives. Ask God to raise more volunteer leaders in our churches to contribute to the work of the Kingdom in each and every local context.
Friday 30th: Please pray for the teens and tweens who have been doing the Leadership Development 101 Course created by our Children and Families Ministries team. Pray that it will be an encouragement to develop their relationship with God even more than their skills in ministry. Pray also for the families coming to the FORM conference coming up soon, that mission would be a way of living for them and that every member of the family would be a participant in that.
Saturday 31st: Please pray for Bedford College’s Chief Delivery Officer, Peter Denison, and his team of trainers. Pray for God’s wisdom for Peter as he seeks to expand the course offerings at Bedford. Pray for the students to gain an awareness of a Christian worldview. Pray for the staff as they seek to fulfil the college’s mission to be an innovator of quality vocational education. Pray that as leaders are raised through their time at Bedford, God would use them in industry, community and church to impact the world with His goodness and love.
Sunday 1st: Pray for our South Coast churches and its regional ministry headed up by Regional Minister Michael Bate (pastor at Woonona Baptist Church). Pray for Michael, his growing leadership team and for churches in that region to grow in health, leadership development, multiplication and justice. Pray for the regionally supported church plant as plans continue to establish a new congregation in a growing suburb of Calderwood.
Monday 2nd: This month please pray, with ABM, for “Converge” a strategy of “A Just Cause” where a number of Baptist leaders visit our Federal Parliament to meet with our political leaders. Pray for those leaders to be receptive to the causes raised and that this would result in real and lasting change.
Tuesday 3rd: Please pray for the State Youth Camp team as SYC happens later this month. Give thanks for his provision in seeing SYC reach its 10th year. Praise God for the 1351 young people who have attended in the last decade. Pray that more young people can attend camp and respond to God’s saving grace.
Wednesday 4th: Along with the Church Health Team, please pray for our Church Consultants. Today and tomorrow a number of our consultants will be gathering for training. Today the specialised consultancy group will come to be further equipped and encouraged as they engage with our churches.
Thursday 5th: Please pray for the second day of the church consultancy training which is being held today. Pray for our 15 trainee consultants, who have almost completed their 2 year course, who will focus on developing facilitation skills. Pray that God would use this growing group of consultants to assist our churches towards greater health, and encourage our pastoral leaders in the way they guide and shepherd their congregations towards effective ministry in our communities.
Friday 6th: Today we hope you will join us praying for the growing number of churches engaging in our Leadership Pipeline program. Pray for the Discipleship and Leadership Development team which invests in and supports churches raising leaders. Please pray for more Leadership Pipeline coaches to be released so this key leadership development program can be expanded across our churches. Continue to pray for God to call leaders from amongst our churches to champion God’s Kingdom and work towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation.
Saturday 7th: Our Ministry Standards Team would like us to pray with them for victim survivors of child abuse. Pray that victim survivors will know the love and peace of God that is known through a personal relationship with Jesus.
Sunday 8th: Please pray for the areas across our movement where we do not yet have regional teams or pastoral networks for churches and pastors to find support and assistance in ministry. Pray for some new networks which are forming in the Northern suburbs, Ryde area and in the Parramatta & Cumberland LGAs, amongst other areas around NSW, as we endeavour to provide support and encouragement to churches in their journey to greater health and fruitfulness.
Monday 9th: Please pray for the churches in our Northern Rivers Region and for Regional Minister John Wilson (pastor at Lismore Baptist Church). Pray for John as he leads the regional team and for Steve Hales who continues to work in disaster relief. Please pray as they minister to a community which continues to suffer as a result of the floods of 2022. Pray for the regional team and particularly for the church plants at Lennox Head and Mullumbimby. Pray that all the churches in the Northern Rivers will grow in health and be fruitful ministry and mission.
Tuesday 10th: Continue to pray for the Northern Rivers today following the release of the book “Strong Together”. This book tells stories written by those who personally suffered during the 2022 floods in and around Lismore. Give thanks for the narrative therapy project hosted by Lismore Baptist Church which resulted in this book. Pray for the team in Lismore as they minister to the wider community through this sharing of this book and the powerful stories in it. Pray for ongoing healing and for God to work in that community.
Wednesday 11th: Give thanks to God for our Baptist chaplains in the Australian Defence Forces. Pray that they will be good witnesses of God’s love and grace as they minister to men and women in the Army, Navy and Air Force. Pray for God to provide more leaders to join them as ADF chaplains to minister in this strategic area. Pray that God will protect our chaplains, physically, spiritually, relationally and emotionally and that our churches would find ways to support them in their callings. Pray also for the families of ADF chaplains, especially when those chaplains are posted away from home.
Thursday 12th: Give thanks for the work of the Ezra Counselling Centre at Morling College. Pray for the group of leaders being trained as counsellors, asking that they would be shaped and formed for present and future important service for people who are hurting. Pray that God would raise more leaders who are gifted and called to serve as counsellors who minister to others from a Christian worldview.
Friday 13th: Please pray for our Association’s Finance and Operations Teams under the leadership of Heidi Tak (Associate Director, Operations). Pray for them as they have a vital role in keeping many of our ministries well-resourced, and running smoothly.
Saturday 14th: Pray for church plant “New Vine Beaches,” which has been planted out of the “New Vine Network” in the Hunter region. It is proceeding toward affiliation as one of our churches. Praise God for this faith community serving around the suburbs of Jewells, Belmont North, Redhead and Dudley. Pray for Pastor Paul Whiting and his leadership team in leading the church into a new season of fruitfulness.
Sunday 15th: Pray for Sylvia Groves and the Balance Services Team as they serve many of our churches in assisting with financial management. Pray that God will use their skills to support churches to fulfil their calling in their communities.
Monday 16th: Pray for Ken Kamau and his Baptist Association Church Multiplication Team, for wisdom and discernment as they work to multiply effectively and missionally. Pray for our church planters and their families, for God’s protection as they pursue the vision God has given them and as they build teams, establish churches, embed in communities, raise leaders, promote justice, and proclaim the Good News.
Tuesday 17th: Continue to pray for Baptist Financial Services and for CEO David Slinn. Pray for the health of team members as we come out of the winter season. Continue to pray for the churches, ministries and Christian schools which partner with BFS, and who benefit from the resources which partnering with BFS can release for ministry and mission.
Wednesday 18th: Pray for the Association’s Communications and Events Team under the leadership of Aaron Veart, as they help us move towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation, keeping us reminded of our vision and connected through numerous means and in numerous events.
Thursday 19th: Pray for our teams of Pastoral Supervisors, mentors and coaches throughout our movement. Give thanks for these people who give of their time and experience to support our pastoral leaders and fellow disciples in personal, spiritual and professional growth. Ask God to raise more leaders to join their ranks as we support one another in the callings God has placed on us.
Friday 20th: Please pray today for churches who are struggling to find volunteer leaders, teachers and helpers. Pray for God to raise up passionate and gifted volunteers to contribute gifts, skills and experience to local faith communities throughout our movement. Pray also for the churches who are struggling with finances after the recent economic challenges. Pray for God to provide the resources needed to fulfil the vision and mission of the local church, regions and whole movement.
Saturday 21st: We’d love you to pray today for our SRE teachers as they seek to serve God faithfully each week, sharing the good news of Jesus in a way that is age appropriate and sensitive and allows students to engage by questioning, exploring and discovering the Christian faith. Pray that children will have the opportunity to make informed decisions about their own faith in a safe and caring environment. Pray for wisdom, insight and grace for our teachers as they manage tricky questions that may potentially cause issues if not handled in a sensitive way.
Sunday 22nd: Pray today for HopeStreet and Woolloomooloo Baptist Church. Pray for the Pastor and Community Chaplain, Ken Hall, as he ministers love, mercy, justice and hope to the disadvantaged and marginalised in the inner-city area of Sydney. Give thanks for the churches who assist Sunday by Sunday by providing and serving rough sleepers with breakfast before the WBC service. Pray for fruitful, loving and supportive ministry to flourish in that part of Sydney.
Monday 23rd: Please pray for the Association’s Church Health Team: Tim Burns (Team Leader), Nick Barber, Ted Bell, Steve Hales and Yvonne Zheng, as they interact with churches, providing them with support and help towards fruitful health. Pray for wisdom, sensitivity, courage and insight as the team meets weekly to consider how best to assist churches towards greater health.
Tuesday 24th: Pray for our churches and ministries which are part of the Riverina Baptist Network. Pray for David Strong (Regional Minister and pastor at Wagga Wagga Baptist Church) and his team. Pray that they would experience effective collaboration, increased levels of church growth, mission and ministry in that region. Pray especially for the smaller churches in small towns across the Riverina, many of whom cannot afford to employ a pastor. Pray for strength and resources for them and that they will be able to impact their towns with the love and grace of Jesus and with the support of the RBN team.
Wednesday 25th: Please pray today for the Baptist Insurance team and NSW Director, Tim Williams. Give thanks for the service they give to Baptist Churches and pray for wisdom and guidance as they continue to navigate current changes in order to best provide affordable insurance support for our church properties, thus supporting our churches to continue with safe and sustainable ministry in our communities.
Thursday 26th: Pray for our Baptist Civil Chaplains who serve in prisons and hospitals. Pray that God would protect them in their ministries and use them to share God’s love and grace to people who are seeking, hurting or in need. Please pray that God would continue to raise up more leaders to serve in these crucial areas of Gospel ministry amongst and beyond us.
Friday 27th: As Morling reaches mid-semester for these next two weeks, pray for students as they complete assignments. Ask God that the knowledge gained will lead to wisdom, service and the extension of His kingdom. Pray that students and staff will experience rhythms of rest during this break. Ask God to comfort and relieve those in our Morling community challenged by serious and chronic mental, physical or relational concerns.
Thank God for the continued opportunity that Morling has to partner with Christian Heritage College to offer Initial Teacher Education, raising leaders in the education sector. Pray that this will have a kingdom impact in schools around Australia and the world.
Saturday 28th: Please pray for the State Youth Camp which is on this weekend. Pray for the hundreds of young people and leaders who will share community, worship and learn together. Pray that lives would be changed as young people meet Jesus. Pray for the speakers (Allyson Beddoe from Kiama Baptist and Luke Fricker from Belmont Baptist), workshop facilitators, the worship band and other leaders who will minister to young people at this crucial time. Pray that God would provide adequate volunteers to serve on that weekend. Pray also for the Impact Gap Year students who will be volunteering, that they will grow in their own leadership and ministry. Pray for safety, health and for the Holy Spirit to move as he calls people from youth groups across our movement in their next steps of discipleship and leadership.
Sunday 29th: The FORM Conference is well underway in preparations, and will be held from 9th October. This Conference gathers people committed to evangelism, church planting and multiplication across and beyond our movement. Pray for Ken Kamau and his team as they make final preparations Pray for those who will attend to be inspired and to be encouraged in their calling to mission. Pray for the children’s program which is a key element of the conference. Pray also for the many Culturally and Linguistically Diverse churches and leaders present, that they would be inspired to multiplication in their own contexts. Pray that this Conference would raise leaders who are mission focussed and who will be key in our journey towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation.
Monday 30th: Pray for recently Accredited pastoral leaders and other leaders who will be completing the Baptist Distinctives course which starts today. Pray that God would continue to call leaders from this group and beyond as we long to see them raised up to Kingdom work, impacting our churches and communities for Christ.
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