
SRE Teachers and Helpers church audit

SRE Teachers and Helpers church audit

The Baptist Association of NSW and ACT’s SRE team is conducting an audit of all people in NSW, currently involved in SRE (Special Religious Education) in public schools in NSW. It is a requirement of The NSW Department Of Education, that all those teaching SRE are properly trained and authorised to teach through their Approved Provider.The Baptist Union of NSW is listed is the legal entity with permission to authorise anyone attending a Baptist Church registered as part of the Baptist Association, including affiliated churches, church plants and simple churches. We are seeking your assistance in completing this brief survey that will help best encapsulate where your church is in relation to SRE. Even if you do not currently have any people in your church teaching SRE, we would still like an acknowledgement from you, so we know your church has been reached.Why are we conducting this audit? The NSW Department of Education has now introduced a mandatory criminal declaration that all SRE teachers and helpers must complete. We want to be confident every person entering a NSW public school for the purpose of SRE is properly training, authorised and compliant which includes the completing of this declaration. We are asking all current SRE teachers and helpers to complete this declaration by the 30th September. Anyone after this date, who has not completed this declaration, even with current authorisation, will be asked to cease teaching immediately. Churches will also be notified of this action.Your assistance in providing honest information in regards to congregants currently involved in SRE, is paramount. We thank you for your prompt response in completing this survey by the 31st July 2024.

SRE Teacher & Helper Audit 2024

The Baptist Association of NSW and ACT’s SRE team is conducting an audit of all people in NSW, currently involved in SRE (Special Religious Education) in public schools in NSW. It is a requirement of The NSW Department Of Education, that all those teaching SRE are properly trained and authorised to teach through their Approved Provider.The Baptist Union of NSW is listed is the legal entity with permission to authorise anyone attending a Baptist Church registered as part of the Baptist Association, including affiliated churches, church plants and simple churches. We are seeking your assistance in completing this brief survey that will help best encapsulate where your church is in relation to SRE. Even if you do not currently have any people in your church teaching SRE, we would still like an acknowledgement from you, so we know your church has been reached.Why are we conducting this audit? The NSW Department of Education has now introduced a mandatory criminal declaration that all SRE teachers and helpers must complete. We want to be confident every person entering a NSW public school for the purpose of SRE is properly training, authorised and compliant which includes the completing of this declaration. We are asking all current SRE teachers and helpers to complete this declaration by the 30th September. Anyone after this date, who has not completed this declaration, even with current authorisation, will be asked to cease teaching immediately. Churches will also be notified of this action.Your assistance in providing honest information in regards to congregants currently involved in SRE, is paramount. We thank you for your prompt response in completing this survey by the 31st July 2024.
Pastor/Leadership Representative Name(Required)
SRE Teachers and helpers in your church(Required)
This also includes people involved in SRE seminars who visit schools as well as those involved regularly or as a casual/ fill in. It includes those in volunteer and paid roles.
If you answered yes to previous question, please list in the box provided, everyone currently involved in SRE, with correct authorisation. This is whether they are a helper or teacher. This includes those who help out on a casual basis, regular capacity, paid or volunteer. Please list their full name and their Baptist Association authorisation card expiry (if you are unsure please say unsure of expiry.)Please only include in this box those that are currently attending your church. If there are people who have previously been authorised by the Baptist Association but now attending another denomination, please complete the next question to capture that information. If they have recently come to your church from another denomination but are still teaching under that denomination’s card please list them in separate question below. If this does not apply to your church indicate N/A then proceed to next question.
List here people that were part of your church but now moved to another denomination but are still involved in SRE as far as you are aware. Please list full name and indicate denomination they have gone to. If you do not know, please indicate after their name do not know where they have gone to. If this is not applicable please say N/A in the box provided.
List here people that were part of your church but were attending another church denomination and now at church church, but still teaching SRE under the previous denomination’s authorisation. List full name, previous denomination and authorisation card expiry. If you do not know this leave blank. If this question is not relevant for your church, please say N/A in the box provided.
Are you aware of anyone currently part of your church that does not have proper Baptist Association authorisation but is currently involved in SRE in some capacity? If yes, please list their full names here. If not applicable say N/A in box provided and proceed to the end and click submit.
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