
Ministry Affirmation

As a movement we are committed to recognising, raising, releasing and resourcing leaders to move towards our goal of 1000 healthy churches in a generation. The process of leadership affirmation is designed to support a diversity of leaders across a diversity of leadership categories, for example those in Ephesians 4:11, being Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds and Teachers. These processes intend to create accessible, rigorous and flexible leadership affirmation pathways for both women and men from metropolitan and regional settings and persons from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.


Recognition is an acknowledgement that the local church has appointed a person as a pastoral leader that has rigorously demonstrated their standing across the seven leadership dimensions of ministry: character, call, doctrine, capacity, competence, training and capability. Persons in pastoral leadership or related ministries who are accepted candidates for accreditation (but not yet accredited) may be affirmed as recognised ministers after completing stages 1 to 3 of the process outlined in the Affirmation of Ministry Guidelines. Those who do not wish, or are not eligible for, accreditation, may retain this more limited form of affirmation after completing stages 1 to 3. 

A leader’s recognition is limited to the specific ministry role for which they apply. It is not transferrable to other roles without the approval of the AOT. The Association will acknowledges leaders on the list of Recognised Ministers using the title Pastor.


Accreditation is the formalised approval of leaders as suitable and available for pastoral leadership within the Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT. It affirms they have met the requirements including qualifications and credentials acknowledged nationally and internationally by Baptist Associations belonging to the Baptist World Alliance. Accredited leaders will have demonstrated growth and development across the seven leadership dimensions: character, call, doctrine, capacity, competence, training and capability.

Being accredited means that the Association stands behind the leader, affirming their fitness to perform appropriately under the legal requirements of the State, regarding such matters as marriage, child protection, and non-discrimination legislation. It involves a level of accountability and requires ongoing leadership development.

Leaders who are accredited by the Association are those who:

  1. Are baptised members of a church affiliated (or otherwise appropriately approved) with the Association.
  2. Subscribe to the basic doctrines, objects, values and position statements of the Association.
  3. Have been accepted for accreditation by the Affirmation Oversight Team, have had that acceptance confirmed by a resolution of the Assembly Council and approved by a vote at an Assembly.
  4. Have been set apart for leadership by a local church affiliated with the Association (usually in a service of ordination), or some other body approved by Assembly.
  5. Will be acknowledged by the Association as eligible to use the titles Pastor and/or Reverend

Resources & Documents

Affirmation - Expression of Interest

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