As a movement we are focusing our prayer life across:
4 seasons (Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring), focusing on
4 spotlights (Health, Justice, Leadership and Mission) in
4 spaces (as individuals, churches, regions and movement).
Once each season, we’ll be meeting online to spend some time praying from wherever you are, across all the regions of our movement. We’ll focus on that season’s spotlight as well as bringing to God all that is happening in our 4 spaces. Put these times in your diaries and register by following the links below.
Summer - Health
Wednesday 19 February,
7:30pm to 8:30pm
Summer - Health
This summer season our prayer spotlight is ‘health‘. As you pray through the daily prompts in the calendar, you’ll notice an emphasis on asking the Lord to grow healthy, vibrant, fruitful and unified disciples, leaders, churches, regions and whole movement.
Colossians 4:4
“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.”
Wednesday 1st: As the year starts please pray that the God of new beginnings would renew the weary, uplift the discouraged and inspire his people throughout our churches to be filled with hope and strength for a year of ministry and service in 2025. Pray that this year would be a fruitful one for the Kingdom as we seek to serve God and others together.
Thursday 2nd: It’s a new year of ministry – so please ask God to send workers for the harvest! Join with the Association’s Children and Families Team to pray for willing, passionate and capable people who will build community and share the big story of God with children and their families everywhere.
Friday 3rd: The Baptist Youth Ministry team would like you to give thanks along with them, for the Impact Gap Year students and how God grew them in 2024. Please pray that God would guide these young people into their next steps of discipleship, service and leadership. Please also pray for God to bring together the right group of people for Impact 2025, and for the team as they prepare for the year ahead.
Saturday 4th: Please give thanks and pray for Lorna Harper and the Kiah Ridge team. Pray that the team will have enjoyed a time of rest and recuperation over the Christmas and New Year holiday time and be ready for the challenges of the New Year. The team would like you to also pray for God’s hand of protection through the Summer months where heat, weather and potential fires are an increased risk.
Sunday 5th: Please pray for Shelley Ashton and the SRE team as they lead and coordinate our Baptist SRE teachers in NSW in 2025. Pray for our SRE teachers and helpers as they have a much deserved break during this school holiday period. Pray for those who have retired from SRE teaching at the end of last year, and give thanks for their many faithful years of service, some concluding after 30 and even 40 years of faithful teaching.
Monday 6th: The Discipleship and Leadership Development Teams ask us to pray together for leaders starting new roles this year, that they will settle well and be encouraged.
Tuesday 7th: Our regional ministry in the Western Districts is led by Regional Minister Wayne Spencer (pastor at Yeoval Baptist). Pray for Wayne and his team and for ministry and mission amongst regional and remote churches in small towns, that God would use them together to grow his Kingdom.
Wednesday 8th: This year we will be asking you to pray a number of times for Mission25. This is an Association-wide initiative in partnership with Alpha Australia, promoting and equipping evangelism in the lead up to Baptism Sunday in October this year. Please pray for pastors, leaders and church members to have their hearts ignited with a fresh passion for evangelism. Ask God to help them see their communities through His eyes and to courageously share the message of Jesus.
Thursday 9th: Please pray for the Ministry Standards Team and particularly as someone new comes into the Safe Church Coordinator role. Pray for their rest and refreshment over the summer break and for wisdom as they support churches in the varied experiences of church life towards greater health.
Friday 10th: Please pray for ongoing multiple conflicts around the world pray for God to grant us a year of peace in 2025. Pray also for the affects of these conflicts on our migrant diaspora communities in Australia. Our local Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) churches continue to feel the pain of conflicts such as those in Myanmar, Ukraine, the Middle East, Sudan, Papua New Guinea and beyond. Some of these conflicts have lasted for decades. Please pray for healing amongst communities affected, best practice action and for biblical justice.
Saturday 11th: Pray for Jenny Casey (Team Leader, Ministry Affirmation) and the Affirmation Oversight Team, as they assist leaders to explore their call to ministry this year through becoming Accredited or Recognised Ministers. Pray for those leaders who will be entering that journey of vocational ministry this year and for the ministries they are already exploring or participating in. Pray that God would raise more leaders to pastor churches, plant churches and lead churches to be healthy expressions of the body of Christ.
Sunday 12th: Please pray today for our Director of Ministries, Steve Bartlett, and for his Executive Leadership Team (Heidi Tak – Associate Director, Operations; Craig Corkill – Associate Director, Discipleship and Leadership Development; Jamie Freeman – Associate Director, Mission and Church Development, and Grae McWhirter – Associate Director, Strategic Support and Regional Development). Pray for them to be rejuvenated and re-energised by God for 2025 as they continue to lead the various ministries and services provided to our family of churches and pastors towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation. Pray for wisdom, insight, vision and favour on them.
Monday 13th: Baptist Financial Services are asking us to pray for them today. Pray for the Churches of Christ and BFS staff as they work together as one team in BFS. Thank the Lord for a smooth merger process that has resulted in a single organisation coming together, with the clear guidance and enabling that God has provided. Pray that BFS will continue to seek God’s direction as they look to enhance the ways in which they work together, helping churches and Christian organisations to thrive in their ministry endeavours.
Tuesday 14th: Praise God for a smooth merger between Morling College and Malyon College in Queensland. Continue to pray for Malyon students and staff as they join the Morling community. Ask God to invigorate and focus the Morling College team on his vision for the year ahead. Pray that God will lead women and men to come and study at Morling and be further equipped for Kingdom ministries in whatever context God has called them to. Pray for students completing Summer School units, that their learning will be transformative and lead to deeper faith and service.
Wednesday 15th: Please pray for the health, unity and love of our movement. Pray for churches and pastors whose affiliation and accreditation is in transition at this time of change. Pray for the love of Christ to be with them, providing grace, peace and hope in the midst of the challenges of this season.
Thursday 16th: Please pray today with and for the Godspace team. Godspace is our own SRE curriculum. Pray for Tammy and the team as they serve our teachers and leaders with quality material to share the Christian faith and message with children around Australia. Pray especially for the team at this time of year which is a busy one as SRE teachers need to be provided all they need before recommencing their classes when schools return in a few weeks.
Friday 17th: Please pray for the Church Leaders and Safe Church Teams across our movement of churches as they implement safe church practices in their church. Pray God gives them grace, perseverance and wisdom as they do this important work for the protection of children, young and vulnerable people and all people.
Saturday 18th: Please pray today for Tim Burns and the Association’s Church Health Team (Steve Hales, Nick Barber and Ted Bell and regional health facilitators) as they interact with churches across our movement, encouraging and equipping them towards greater health, unity and fruitfulness. Pray for our churches who are in crisis, conflict, in transition, suffering loss or struggling. Pray that we as a movement and the Association teams can support our existing churches to be vibrant and healthy in 2025.
Sunday 19th: There is a growing number of school chaplains from our churches serving in public schools. Pray for them as they practically share Jesus’ love through caring actions, particularly to children and young people in need. Pray for the Greater West Chaplaincy network which supports numerous chaplains in churches in the western suburbs of Sydney. Pray for the vision to see this ministry spread to other regions as we desire to impact our communities with love and grace.
Monday 20th: Baptist Mission Australia asks us to pray today for South Asia. Pray for those impacted by sudden flooding in northern parts of the country. Pray for the South Asia team as they continue to journey alongside those struggling with the damage of homes and crops.
Tuesday 21st: Give thanks for Ken Kamau who concludes today as Team Leader, Church Multiplication with the Baptist Association and soon commences as Senior Pastor at Ryde Baptist Church. Pray with gratitude to God for Ken’s leadership and for the fruit which has come from his service in churches being planted at an increasing rate across our movement. Pray that God would lead the right person to step in to this role and that God would continue to raise up planters and make way for new churches to continue to grow across NSW and ACT.
Wednesday 22nd: Baptist Youth Ministries invites us to praise God with them for increased connections within youth and young adult ministries within our regions and the increasing engagement around the healthy youth ministry framework. Pray that 2025 sees us connecting with even more churches across the regions, particularly those we have not had much relationship within the past, and for the excitement around resourcing and equipping to flow into practical training session and long-term beneficial resources for ministry amongst youth and young adults.
Thursday 23rd: Let’s pray today for Jenny Casey and the Affirmation Oversight Team. This is the team which looks after people exploring and following their call towards recognised or accredited pastoral ministry. Today they would like your prayer as the AOT meets to discern who will move forward for recognition and accreditation. Please pray for them and for the leaders in the process of discernment. Give thanks for the record number of those who have expressed interest in applying for recognition and accreditation – double the usual numbers! Pray for them all as they submit applications and proceed to interviews.
Friday 24th: Baptist World Aid would like us to pray with them on this International Day of Education. Pray that children globally will have access to adequate education and can thrive in their development. Pray that BWA’s partner’s Child and Youth Clubs will equip the next generation with skills that will serve them well into the future. Pray for families to be able to earn a decent living wage and meet their daily needs. Pray also that clean water will be made available to remote communities, ensuring they have a potable and adequate supply.
Saturday 25th: Pray for “Greater West for Christ”, our regional ministry which serves the western suburbs of Sydney in and around Penrith, the Blue Mountains, Blacktown and the Hawkesbury. Pray for their leadership team, including Mark Chapple the Regional Minister (and pastor at Penrith Baptist Church). Pray that through GWFC’s ministries and businesses, churches would be encouraged to grow in health, leaders would be raised up and equipped, justice would be championed, churches would multiply, and people in that part of Sydney would be impacted by the love of Jesus.
Sunday 26th: Today as we give thanks to God and ask his blessings on our nation and its peoples, please also pray for our Indigenous sisters and brothers. Pray for peace, grace and justice for those who find sorrow and loss amidst the celebrations. Pray that God would grant all peoples who call Australia home mercy and grace in 2025.
Monday 27th: Pray for the growing number of Baptist pastors who are now serving as volunteer Police Chaplains within the NSW Police Force. Pray for them as they serve police officers and the communities around them. Ask God to support them in challenging circumstances, during times of trauma and emergency, and in difficult conversations. Pray that God would raise up more leaders to serve Jesus in these key roles amongst the Police.
Tuesday 28th: Pray for churches as they make space for children as fellow disciples. This is a mark of a healthy church. Ask God for wisdom and creativity as faith communities minister in ways that are for kids, with kids, and provide opportunity to receive ministry from kids as well.
Wednesday 29th: The Discipleship and Leadership Development Team invites you to pray with them as they give thanks for leaders starting or continuing in training initiatives to grow their leadership skills this year. Also pray for leaders starting new ministries in their churches in 2025, for wisdom, enthusiasm and great teams to work with.
Thursday 30th: Our partners as BaptistCare would love us to pray for the work being done to merge BaptistCare NSW/ACT/WA with Baptistcare SA and Baptcare Victoria. This is a significant change impacting thousands of people. Please pray for smooth transitions and great outcomes for God’s work in this area around our nation. Pray for the Boards and Executive Teams, that God would give them great wisdom and clarity around all the decisions which need to be made concerning, not only the merger, but many other important decisions.
Friday 31st: Today please pray for the Coast Churches Network (our regional ministry in the Central Coast) and for Regional Minister Phil Blair (Senior Pastor at Green Point Baptist Church). Pray for Phil and team as they encourage our churches in the Central Coast to develop leaders, invest in church health and multiply disciples.
Saturday 1st: Crossover Australia would like us to pray for church programs in Baptist Churches throughout the country which will be commencing for the year. Pray for new community connections and friendships forming for people to feel welcome in church programs and services.
Sunday 2nd: Pray for our Canberra regional ministry. Pray for Nick Barber (Regional Minister) and his team as they bring together the pastors, leaders and churches across the region for relationship building, resource sharing, raising leaders and reproducing congregations. Pray that the churches in Canberra would be fruitful, healthy, missional and multiplying. Pray that our churches in Canberra would have a Gospel impact on those who work to lead our nation from its capital. Pray for our national leaders, that they would lead with justice and mercy and be opened to the grace, love and truth of Jesus.
Monday 3rd: Pray alongside the Children and Families Team for the children who love Jesus and are returning to school and activities this week. Pray that they and their families will introduce others to Jesus.
Tuesday 4th: Today marks the start of the new academic year for Bedford College. Pray for all their new students who are starting this term, especially for their international students who are in Australia for the first time. Join the team in asking for the staff to continue to provide students with a caring, Christian environment which will help support and enhance students’ ability to succeed.
Wednesday 5th: Let’s pray alongside the Ministry Standards Team for the Creating Safe Spaces presenters who present workshops across the State and Territory. Pray for wisdom and skill as they present workshops this year and pray that those attending would be equipped and encouraged to contribute to our churches be safe and healthy places for people of all ages and stages in life.
Thursday 6th: Australian Baptist Ministries ask us to pray today for the Asia Pacific Baptist Federation Executive Committee which is meeting in Hong Kong from today til Saturday. Pray for safe and easy travel and blessings on the meetings. Ask God that they would be empowering and fruitful so that the ministries and missions of the churches in the APBF region will be strengthened and healthy.
Friday 7th: Let’s pray as schools are going back and SRE classes return. Pray that churches have been able to raise up new teachers to replace those who finished up in 2024 and that any remaining gaps would be filled. Pray for opportunities to go into new schools. Pray for the SRE team as they get back into training and authorising new teachers so this significant ministry can continue in fruitful and healthy ways.
Saturday 8th: Please pray for Pete Davies, Regional Minister in the North and Mid-north Coast Regions (and pastor at Boambee Baptist Church). Pray for Pete as he leads and encourages pastors, leaders and churches in that region to work together to see healthyKingdom growth in the North Coasts.
Sunday 9th: Pray for unity within churches and among different denominations participating in Mission25. Ask God to strengthen relationships and inspire collaboration, ensuring that the collective effort glorifies him. Pray for wisdom and creativity for church leaders as they plan and prepare for Mission25. Lift up the Alpha team and denominational leaders, asking God to guide the training sessions and consultations to equip churches effectively for sharing and showing Jesus.
Monday 10th: Please pray for the Association’s Simple Church Network. Pray for the leaders in simple churches who are balancing their weekday work with their leadership and responsibilities. Pray that God may graciously provide their needs, grow their churches in health, and continue to ignite their passion and joy in ministry. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s empowering to lead to the multiplication of disciples, leaders and groups within our movement.
Tuesday 11th: Baptist Mission Australia would love us to pray for their work in Malawi. Pray for Joyce as she continues to teach Yawo women how to sew and set up small businesses. May these women experience the love of Jesus and find their hope in Him. Pray for Jean-Claude as he visits four emerging faith communities, teaching and nurturing them. Pray that God will go before him and work in the hearts of those living in nearby villages, and may the Yawo believers be empowered to speak the Word of God.
Wednesday 12th: Today and tomorrow the Church Health Team is running training and equipping days for our group of new and experienced church health consultants. Please pray for those new in this training who will be meeting in Newcastle today and pray also for the development of the experienced consultants who will be meeting tomorrow at the Ministry and Learning Centre. Pray for God to guide, develop, call and equip these consultants to help our churches move towards greater levels of health and fruitful ministry and mission.
Thursday 13th: Please pray for Transform Southern Sydney (our regional ministry in the southern suburbs of Sydney) and Regional Minister Jamie Wendt (Senior Pastor at Padstow Baptist Church). Pray for Jamie and his team as they equip and encourage pastors and leaders towards seeing 100 healthy churches transforming the suburbs of southern Sydney. This area of Sydney includes communities of various cultures from around the globe. Pray particularly for the churches in this region who minister interculturally, that God would use them and grow them to reach their communities.
Friday 14th: Baptist World Aid is asking us to join with them to pray for women to be empowered through Self Help Groups supported by BWA’s partners, providing them with the training they need to lift their families out of poverty. Pray for peace across the world and conflict to cease in communities that are being significantly impacted. Pray for vulnerable people in modern slavery to be released and experience freedom. And please pray also that the fashion industry would adopt more ethical and sustainable practices for the benefit of workers and creation.
Saturday 15th: Let’s pray along with the Children and Families Team for their State Kids Camp team which is designing a camp experience for the 2nd week of the July school holidays. Pray for creativity as they plan and for leaders as they begin to invite kids to be part this peak experience.
Sunday 16th: Marbz Diaz (Team Leader, Church Witness and Intercultural Lead) invites you to pray with him for the P’RU program which will continue this year amongst our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse pastors and leaders. Please pray for this new formational-educational program that is designed to be culturally-safe, community-based and diversity-of-language-aware. Please pray as we continue to pilot this program and offer it wider with some of the participants coming from a wide variety of experiences such as refugees and those impacted by issues of injustice.
Monday 17th: Pray for Ridgecrest, the Christian Conference Centre which is part of our Western Districts Region, situated on the shores of Lake Burrendong just outside of Wellington. Pray for Director Renee McClure and her team. Pray for their numerous camps and events, and for the impact of the Gospel on many lives through their programs and hospitality.
Tuesday 18th: Please pray for the churches in the Hunter region, for Regional Minister Matt Brown (Senior Pastor at Swansea Baptist Church) and his regional leadership team. Pray for their work raising leaders, training interns, establishing networks and planting churches in their mission towards seeing 100 healthy churches transforming the Newcastle and Hunter area.
Wednesday 19th: Tonight we’d love you to join us for our Summer Prayer Hour at 7.30pm. You can sign up by clicking here. Please pray for this hour as we seek to encourage leaders, churches and regions to engage together across the movement in meaningful prayer.
Thursday 20th: Please pray for the Affirmation Oversight Team as it conducts interviews with leaders seeking recognition or accreditation as pastoral leaders in our movement. Pray for the team and also for those being interviewed. Ask for wisdom and guidance for the team members as they follow the interviews today with their meeting.
Friday 21st: Pray with the Children and Families Team for the planning and preparation for the Connect Days in March and April. Especially pray for the Kids, Youth and SRE facilitators as they develop a program for the day that will encourage us all to see what God is doing amongst children and young people, in our schools and with kids and families across NSW /ACT. Our desire is that leaders will be connected and encouraged and that life giving, lifelong faith can be nurtured.
Saturday 22nd: Please pray for churches across our movement which are currently seeking new pastoral leadership. Pray for guidance and discernment for both churches and pastors and for the provision and development of more leaders to pastor existing churches and plant new churches, all towards greater health and effectiveness.
Sunday 23rd: Please pray today for Tim Burns (Team Leader, Church Health) who is meeting with other Church Health leaders from our Baptist Associations in Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia to work on a National Revitalisation Framework. Pray that this gathering work will enhance partnership, increase impact and provide resources which can be used in fruitful ways to revitalise Baptist churches across Australia towards renewed health and impact.
Monday 24th: This week is the start of Semester 1 at Morling College. Pray for the new and continuing students who will commence studying. Pray for new residents who have recently moved into the Morling Residential College at the Sydney campus. Pray especially for the Macquarie University students moving into the MRC). Pray for those who do not know Christ, that they may come to know him during their time in residence. Please pray for Morling’s fantastic team, in their three main faculties and across three campuses (Sydney, Perth and Brisbane). Pray that they will grow in faith, wisdom and service. Ask for God’s continued provision of the financial, material and human resources needed for Morling to serve their students, churches and beyond.
Tuesday 25th: Today we’d love you to pray for all our Regional Ministers and their teams. The Regional Ministers are gathering today at the Ministry and Learning Centre to meet, encourage one another, pray for one another and strategise as we seek for God to grant fruitful, healthy and growing ministry in our churches, networks and regions right across our movement.
Wednesday 26th: As part of this year’s Mission25 initiative, please pray that people from all our churches will be bold and Spirit-led in inviting friends, family, and neighbours to Alpha courses and other events which share the love and grace of Jesus. Ask God to prepare the hearts of those receiving invitations so they are open to attending and exploring faith. Pray for the people in your own community who may attend an Alpha course. Ask God to soften hearts, spark curiosity about Jesus and give them a hunger for truth, love and transformation.
Thursday 27th: Pray for Living Hope Funerals, a faith-based funeral service which is part of our Transform Southern Sydney Region, and for David Richardson who leads the LHF team. Pray for the continued growth of this business which ministers to grieving families while also releasing resources for Baptist ministry amongst our churches. Pray for the LHF team as it shares the love of Jesus with hurting families.
Friday 28th: Pray for our South Coast churches and the regional ministry there, headed up by Regional Minister Michael Bate (pastor at Woonona Baptist Church). Pray for Michael, his leadership team and for churches in that region to grow in health, leadership development, mission and justice.
Saturday 1st: Please pray today for churches who are struggling to find volunteer leaders, teachers and helpers. Pray for God to raise up passionate and gifted volunteers to contribute gifts, skills and experience to local faith communities throughout our movement. Pray also for the churches who are struggling with finances after the recent economic challenges. Pray for God to provide the resources needed to fulfil the vision and mission of the local church, regions and movement.
Sunday 2nd: Let’s pray together, alongside the Ministry Standards Team, for victim survivors of abuse across our country and especially those who have suffered abuse in churches. Pray they may know the peace that comes from Jesus in the midst of the pain they feel.
Monday 3rd: Let’s continue to pray for the teaching of SRE in our schools. Pray that the teachers are well and truly settling into Term 1 and experiencing great opportunities to share the message of Jesus. Pray that this message blesses and transforms the hearts and lives of children and their families. Pray that our churches can faithfully support their SRE representatives through prayer and encouragement.
Tuesday 4th: Please pray today for the Pastors and Leaders who will be meeting with the Church Health Team and other Association leaders at Kiah Ridge as part of the “Multiply” Learning Intensive. These pastors are in a two year program which encourages them to proactively lead their churches to greater health and fruitfulness. Pray that as these leaders meet from today until Thursday that they will be blessed, encouraged, inspired and equipped.
Wednesday 5th: Later this year the 2025 Baptist World Alliance Congress will be held in Brisbane. This is a key gathering of Baptists from around the world to share, support, encourage and strategise. Pray for preparations for the Congress which will be held in July. Pray for the speakers, for those who will be attending, and that God would provide ways for those without resources to be supported to attend, be encouraged, equipped and inspired.
Thursday 6th: Let’s continue to pray for Bedford College, Steve Dixon (CEO) and his team. Pray for the Bedford Administration and Operations Team that staff may be able to streamline many of the operational processes enabling workflows to become more efficient.
Friday 7th: Please pray today for the Ministry Standards Team. Pray that in the sometimes difficult, complex but vital work of supporting victim survivors and churches, God would provide his grace, mercy and wisdom to the team.
Saturday 8th: Baptist World Aid wants us to pray on this International Women’s Day for women globally to experience safety and equality. Pray also that God will show us how to be good stewards of the resources he has provided us.
Sunday 9th: Please pray for the churches in our Northern Rivers Region and for Regional Minister John Wilson (pastor at Lismore Baptist Church). Pray for John as he leads the regional team and for Steve Hales who continues to work in disaster relief. Please pray as they minister to a community which continues to suffer as a result of the floods of 2022. Pray that the churches in the Northern Rivers will grow in health and be fruitful in ministry and mission.
Monday 10th: Baptist Mission Australia is asking that we pray for their work in Thailand. Give thanks that despite the devastation of the floods many followers of Jesus and people from different provinces have stepped up to provide help, shelter and food for those in need. Praise God for the 50th anniversary of the Thailand Baptist Missionary Fellowship (TBMF). Give thanks for the diverse range of ministries and people that God is using to share the hope of Jesus in Thailand.
Tuesday 11th: Give thanks to God for our Baptist chaplains in the Australian Defence Forces. Pray that they will be good witnesses of God’s love and grace as they continue on mission to men and women in the Army, Navy and Air Force. Pray for God to provide more leaders to join them as ADF chaplains to minister in this strategic area. Pray that God will protect our chaplains, physically, spiritually, relationally and emotionally and that our churches would find ways to support them in their callings. Pray also for the families of ADF chaplains, especially when those chaplains are posted away from home.
Wednesday 12th: Pray with us for our movement to be inspired to further prayer as disciples, leaders, churches, regions and movement. Pray that God would touch hearts and call people to engage in prayer, praise, petition and confession regularly individually and together as we seek for God to lead and guide us as a movement in service of Jesus and His Gospel.
Thursday 13th: Please pray for our Association’s Finance and Operations Teams under the leadership of Heidi Tak (Associate Director, Operations). Pray for them as they have a vital role in keeping many of our ministries well-resourced, and running smoothly.
Friday 14th: Pray for Morling College students who find academic study a new challenge, that they will develop their skills and confidence as they learn. Thank God for those who are graduating from Morling studies at special services this month. Pray that they will continue to seek God’s will and growth as they move into the next season of service. Thank God for churches who have identified and affirmed people for study at Morling. Pray that there is a strong sense of partnership with God as the College, churches and other organisations work together, including financially supporting students through matching scholarships. Pray for peace and patience for students, residents, and staff during any disruptions caused by construction on the Sydney campus, and that challenges would be met with grace and understanding.
Saturday 15th: Pray for Sylvia Groves and the Balance Services Team as they serve many of our churches in assisting with financial management. Pray that God will use their skills to support churches to fulfil their calling in their communities in healthy ways.
Sunday 16th: The Baptist Youth Ministry Team invite us to pray with them for their State Youth Camp team as preparations get going for SYC25. Please give thanks for the churches already signed up to attend SYC25. This peak Gospel experience for youth is a key time of inviting young people to follow Jesus and a time to encourage and bless youth groups and youth leaders. Please continue to pray for it.
Monday 17th: Pray for the Association’s Communications and Events Team under the leadership of Aaron Veart, as they help us move towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation, keeping us reminded of our vision and connected through numerous means and in numerous events.
Tuesday 18th: BaptistCare invites us to pray with them for wisdom as they prepare for the new Age Care Act which will come in to effect on 1st July this year. Pray for God’s ongoing protection and blessings over staff, volunteers, clients, finances, IT systems and properties. Pray also for ongoing safety for all workers at building sites and for the many staff who are constantly on the roads, travelling to serve clients.
Wednesday 19th: Pray for our Baptist Civil Chaplains who serve in prisons and hospitals. Pray that God would protect them in their ministries and use them to share God’s love and grace to people who are seeking, hurting or in need. Please pray that God would continue to raise up more leaders to serve in these crucial areas of Gospel ministry amongst and beyond us.
Thursday 20th: Please pray for the Affirmation Oversight Team as they conduct interviews today with leaders seeking recognition or accreditation as pastoral leaders in our movement. Pray for those candidates who are moving forward to recognition and accreditation this year. Pray they will be richly blessed as they serve the Lord.
Friday 21st: Pray for our churches and ministries which are part of the Riverina Baptist Network. Pray for David Strong (Regional Minister and pastor at Wagga Wagga Baptist Church) and his team. Pray that they would experience effective collaboration, increased levels of church growth, health and mission in that region. Pray especially for the smaller churches in small towns across the Riverina, many of whom cannot afford to employ a pastor. Pray for strength and resources for them and that they will be able to impact their towns with the love and grace of Jesus and with the support of the RBN team.
Saturday 22nd: Today is World Water Day. BWA invites us to pray with them that sufficient water and sanitation facilities will be made available to remote communities. Pray also for food security for families and for good health and nutrition. Pray for BWA and other agencies who work to show the love and grace of Jesus through acts of service, provision and advocacy.
Sunday 23rd: Pray for an abundance of resources and willing volunteers to support the Alpha courses happening in our churches which are participating in Mission25. Ask God to provide all the necessary logistics, finances, and the people to run these courses smoothly and effectively. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully during Mission25. Ask God for transformation stories, salvations, and lasting impact within individuals, families and communities across Australia.
Monday 24th: Let’s continue to pray for Kiah Ridge and the work that God does through our Association’s Conference Centre. Pray for wise stewardship over all Kiah Ridge resources so that we put what we have to do the very best work for the Kingdom. Pray that the team would remain in focused discernment for God’s direction for this venue.
Tuesday 25th: Pray for a Kingdom imagination of what genuine reconciled relationships could look like with our Indigenous peoples – one that is Jesus-shaped, Spirit-empowered and led by First Nations brothers and sisters.
Wednesday 26th: As communities prepare for Easter in just a few weeks time, let’s pray for God’s regenerative work in disaster affected areas as they continue to address resilience a few years into recovery (i.e. from times of droughts, bushfires and floods). Pray especially for communities in the South Coast, Northern Rivers, Riverina, Western Districts, Greater West (Sydney), New England and North Coast – in particular for their mental health and the abundant life that Jesus brings.
Thursday 27th: This evening is the Annual Baptist Financial Services Dinner, which will provide rich opportunities to thank God for what has been achieved in supporting church, Christian organisations and Gospel ministries. Pray that the Lord would move in the hearts and minds of individuals and leaders in organisations, prompting them to take up opportunities to make a Kingdom impact by investing with BFS.
Friday 28th: Pray today for HopeStreet and Woolloomooloo Baptist Church. Pray for the Pastor and Community Chaplain, Ken Hall, as he ministers love, mercy, justice and hope to the disadvantaged and marginalised in the inner-city area of Sydney. Give thanks for the churches who assist Sunday by Sunday by providing and serving rough sleepers with breakfast before the WBC service. Pray for fruitful, loving and healthy ministry to flourish in that part of Sydney.
Saturday 29th: Please pray today for the Baptist Insurance team. Give thanks for outgoing NSW Director, Tim Williams. Give thanks for the service BIS gives to Baptist Churches and pray for wisdom and guidance as they continue to navigate current changes in order to best provide affordable insurance support for our church properties, thus supporting our churches to continue with safe, sustainable and healthy ministry in our communities.
Sunday 30th: Please pray for the Association’s Church Health Team: Tim Burns (Team Leader), Nick Barber, Ted Bell and Steve Hales as they interact with churches, providing them with support and help towards fruitful health. Pray for wisdom, sensitivity, courage and insight as the team meets weekly to consider how best to assist churches towards greater health.
Monday 31st: Pray for churches preparing to run the Australian Baptist Easter Offering. Pray for God’s provision for the resources needed to create and produce training, resources and encouragement which the Crossover team has planned for the year ahead. Give thanks to Jesus for the generosity of our movement.