Annual Church Statistical Return
Each year the Association asks churches to submit summary information about church attendance, income and contact information for key roles. In order to streamline the 2024 survey and ensure the best possible data accuracy, we have established a secure online form for you to complete.
Annual Statistical data from churches is vital and gives us relevant insights so that:
- Our Association team can plan how to best support and resource your church into the future,
- We can articulate a clear picture of our movement, as we move towards our Goal of 1000 Healthy Churches in a Generation (GEN1K),
- We can fulfil our reporting requirements as part of the national Australian statistics of the Baptist World Alliance; and
- We can ensure we are communicating with the right people in your church.
Part 1 - Online Survey
Church Attendance, Membership, Reach and Baptisms
On average how many people attended your weekly Church services in 2023 by Age group?
- What was your Church Membership at the end of 2023?
- On average, how many people were engaged with by ministries and activities of your church each week across 2023?
- How many Baptisms did your church perform in 2023?
Financial Information:
- In your 2023 Financial reporting period what were your Total General offerings, Total special offering income and Total other income?
Church Partnership Support Budget
- As part of this we will suggest a quarterly Church Partnership Support Budget (CPSB) contribution. This can be manually adjusted as required on the form. This will update your quarterly invoiced CPSB amount
CALD Information
- Questions relating to the Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) within your church?
Part 2 - 2025 Church Partnership Support (CPSB)
Some time ago our Assembly agreed to ask churches to set aside 5% of their general income to support the work of the Association. If your church is yet to move to that level of contribution, can we ask you to prayerfully seek to increase your support to move further towards this in 2024. For those churches who already give beyond this amount, can we invite you also to increase your financial partnership, building on an already strong contribution level.
Be encouraged that through God’s blessing and amazing stewardship for every dollar you contribute, the Association generates $3 through collective ministry initiatives. Over the last 12 months we have:
- Overseen relief funds and supported communities impacted by flood, bushfire, and drought
- Supported the planning and planting of new churches
- Equipped over 3000 people with Creating Safe Spaces certification
- Assisted numerous churches in investigating and working towards a Safe Church Health Check certification
- Increased investment in regional networks of leaders for collaboration in mission
- Further developed our Public Engagement initiatives including First Nations peoples
- Extensive work in the areas of online gatherings, remote access, and digital training.
These particular initiatives are just a summary of what has been achieved and sit alongside the considerable ongoing work in all the various areas of ministry the Association does to support churches and the wider movement.
To continue this story, we ask for your support. Prayer and getting involved are key aspects of our work together, however we also face the ongoing need to finance our collective ministry.
The attached Annual Statistical Return information provides space for you to nominate the contribution amount your church has agreed to for 2025.
Thank you for your partnership as we Advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ together!
Part 3 - Review Church Contact Information
Please review the Church Contact list HERE provide updated information if required to
Annual Church Survey - Statistical Return and CPSB (1)
Annual Church Survey - Statistical Return and CPSB
FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions
In relation to Attendees, Members etc – we are after the average numbers per week. Your closest estimate based on the numbers you have will work well.
Regarding financials – these numbers should be in your financial reports.
If you are not sure please feel free to contact us via or via the main phone line 02 9868 9200
Attendees – The average number people who attend your regular services. They would consider themselves part of the church regardless of their membership status. This may includes online viewers. If unknown please estimate.
Members – People who have officially become church members according to your constitution at the end of 2023.
Non Attending Church Contacts – People who are connected with your church that would NOT consider themselves regular attendees ie Playgroup, hamper ministry, mainly music, etc
Baptisms – The number of people in your church that were baptised in 2023
General Offerings – This is the money received as Tithes and regular giving throughout the year.
Special Offerings and Other income – Special offerings may be giving to missions, building funds. Other income is all other income including income earned through ministry initiatives, grants, rent or other incomes.
CPSB – Church Partnership Support Budget is the amount given to the Baptist Association to support joint ministry. This amount should be calculated at 5% of church income.
CALD – Culturally and Linguistically Diverse churches provide accessibility to a diverse range of languages and cultures beyond the majority Anglo-Australian culture.
This is information that is requested annually and has been provided in the past.
The information is collected through a secure form and individual churches’ attendance and income information will be kept secure by the Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT and will not be shared with any other churches, affiliated organisations or third parties.
As a family of churches, we see great value in the collection of some simple data so that:
- Our Association team can plan how we can best support and resource your church and all churches into the future,
- We can articulate a clear picture of our movement, as we move towards our Goal of 1000 Healthy Churches in a Generation (GEN1K),
- We can more adequately fulfil our reporting requirements as part of the national Australian statistics of the Baptist World Alliance; and
- We can ensure we are communicating with the right people in your church.
As part of affiliation Churches are required to contribute 5% of income to a collective fund to support ministry.
Through God’s blessing and amazing stewardship for every dollar you contribute we generate $3 through collective ministry initiatives.
Our primary focus is to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word, deed and sign, through interdependent partnerships towards a 1000 healthy churches in a generation – your contribution is put to work to see this become reality.
Not only do we have a God sized goal we also provide significant support and resources to your church and this cost money.
As a family of churches, we see great value in the collection of some simple data so that:
- Our Association team can plan how we can best support and resource your church and all churches into the future,
- We can articulate a clear picture of our movement, as we move towards our Goal of 1000 Healthy Churches in a Generation (GEN1K),
- We can more adequately fulfil our reporting requirements as part of the national Australian statistics of the Baptist World Alliance; and
- We can ensure we are communicating with the right people in your church.