Affiliated Churches of NSW & ACT usually meet together twice a year to be encouraged and inspired by what God is doing and will continue to do amongst us, and to discern significant matters in the life of our movement.

Our Annual Assembly is a time to reflect on all that God is doing amongst us, to connect with others in our movement, to worship and to discern how Jesus is leading us as we work together to minister with one another and those around our world. The Annual Assembly is held as part of The Gathering.
Dates: Friday & Saturday, 2 & 3 May 2025
Time: 10am – 4pm (sign-in from 9 am)
Main Venue
Auditorium, The Ministry and Learning Centre (The MALC)
5 Saunders Close, Macquarie Park NSW 2113
About Assemblies
Assembly is where affiliated churches gather to worship, celebrate and discern the Lord’s guidance in its overall direction and acts as the final decision making authority in the life of the Association. An Assembly in particular:
- elects suitable persons to particular roles of responsibility within the Association
- affiliates churches and accredits ministers
- receives reports and addresses other procedural matters including the appointment of committees
- delegates authority as provided in the Association constitution or takes direct action as it deems appropiate
- functions to exhort, to encourage and envision
Previous Assemblies
Friday and Saturday 14-15 June was The Gathering, incorporating the Annual Assembly. Almost 500 people from 168 churches were part of The Gathering on at least one of those days, either at the Macquarie Park main venue or at a regional venue.
At this Assembly we:
- Elected people to various positions across the Assembly Council, Morling College Council and Baptist Property Trust
- Welcomed in 3 newly Affiliated Churches.
- Approved 19 Accreditation Candidates to proceed to Accreditation, and a further 7 pastors had their accreditation transferred in to the Association.
- Heard stories from across the movement of how God is at work. From 17 churches planted, to hundreds of leaders trained, to new regional initiatives, to the ongoing vision of Morling College and the redevelopment of the campus at Macquarie Park, it was hugely encouraging. You can see some of the stories HERE
- Dealt with a number of AGM matters including receiving the Annual Report, the financial statements and approving the Church Partnership Support Budget goal of $1,550,000.