
BaptistCare NSW & ACT Connect Grants

BaptistCare NSW & ACT have made available $30,000 per annum for Connect Grants. The purpose of these Grants is to provide funding for projects of up to $10,000 each where a Baptist Church is working in partnership with BaptistCare.  This means that in order for a church to apply for a grant, it would have planned the project with its local BaptistCare presence (such as an aged care setting or HopeStreet). 

There are no closing dates for the grants.  They will be approved based on assessment of the application on a first come, first served basis.

Should you have any questions about this application form or want to talk through project ideas, you can contact Marbz Diaz on mdiaz@nswactbaptists.org.au.

BaptistCare NSW & ACT Connect Grants

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