Welcome to Essentials- Baptist online SRE teacher training.
This Module is part of a 7 module course covers 7 modules based on the ICCOREIS framework of competencies.
This course has been written based on the Essentials Zoom & Essentials Face to Face training written by representatives from Australian Christian Churches, Baptist Association of NSW & ACT and Presbyterian Youth.
This course is available to any SRE teacher from any denomination. Before beginning please make sure your provider (AUTHORISING BODY) is aware you are undertaking this training.
This course material is copyright to Essentials and the Baptist Association NSW & ACT and must not be copied for the purpose of ‘training’ others. Certificates can be issued to the participant registered for this module to be forwarded to their approved provider for proof of completion.
If you have any issues as you progress through this Module please contact us during business hours
Monday- Thursday P: 0298689239 or E: sre@nswactbaptists.org.au