

Being and making disciples is foundational to who we are as followers of Jesus.

As an Association, we’re committed to providing every person in our movement with the opportunity to both experience transformation as they grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus and be equipped to effectively make fruitful disciples.

We’re genuinely excited at the opportunities every person in our movement has to grow and be equipped. What’s your next best step as a disciple of Jesus?

At the core of our identity as followers of Jesus is the call to be and make disciples. This foundational truth shapes the very fabric of the Baptist Association of NSW & ACT where we are deeply committed to providing every person in our movement with a profound opportunity.

We believe in more than just surface-level faith; we envision a community where individuals not only experience transformation as they grow in their relationship with Jesus but also receive the tools to become effective disciple-makers themselves.

We are genuinely excited as we recognize the vast opportunities that await each person within our movement – opportunities to grow, to be equipped, and to make a lasting impact. The question we pose to you is simple yet profound: What’s your next best step as a disciple of Jesus?

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