
Pastors & Leaders eNews - October 2024

Welcome to the October edition of Insights eNews.

I love a good story! I particularly love the stories in the Gospels where Jesus encounters a score of ordinary people, women and men of all ages and backgrounds, all with their own struggles and joys. Think of the boy who brought his lunch to Jesus, the woman who spoke to him at the well, the man with the withered hand healed in the synagogue, the anxious officer wanting healing for his son by remote from Jesus, the grieving sisters weeping at the loss of their brother. No one comes away from these encounters the same! God continues moving, to this day, changing hearts, transforming lives, bringing hope, forgiveness, purpose and love. I love these good stories.

A great place to hear these stories and engage with the story-tellers is at our two Gatherings each year. As we focus in November on our mission to see a multiplication of these stories in the coming years, we encourage you to join us at one of our sites across the movement for our Gathering (incorporating the Ordinary Assembly). See more details included in this month’s edition of Insights. I hope to see you there!

Check out more information about a number of other topics in this October edition, including having a look at the OurStory website if you, like me, love a good story.

May God continue to empower you in your service as together we aim to see more and more life changing stories in our journey towards 1000 healthy churches in a generation.

Grae McWhirter
Associate Director / Strategic Support and Regional Development

We’re under one month away from The Gathering Incorporating the Ordinary Assembly! Don’t miss this opportunity to hear how God is working throughout our movement and explore how we can continue to strengthen this work together.

At the heart of this Gathering is our commitment to being a mission shaped movement as we work toward our God-given goal of 1,000 Healthy Churches in a Generation. Join us as we explore how this vision is being pursued and how we can continue to grow in strength and purpose together.

Register now to hear from guest speakers Rev Andrew Duncan, NSW State Director for Baptist Mission Australia and Rev Melissa Lipsett, CEO of Baptist World Aid Australia in exploring how we are greater together as we partner with our fellow Baptist organisations.

The 23rd Baptist World Congress is being held in Brisbane in 2025 on 7-12 July.

Experience this one-of-a-kind opportunity to gather with Baptist sisters and brothers from around the world and learn how God is at work in and through our global family. It will be a powerful time of worship, prayer, fellowship, teaching, and service.

The Congress is for anyone who would like to be encouraged and blessed by connection with our global Baptist family and the opportunity to worship and learn together. It provides a unique opportunity for engagement, learning and inspiration, especially for pastors and leaders. The program is for the whole family, so it is scheduled for the school holidays and includes both youth and kids’ programs. 

The Early Bird price for the Congress is available to anyone who registers before the end of November. Additionally, we are offering an extra 10% discount for those who register after the Gathering Incorporating the Ordinary Assembly, through to the end of November. A special discount code will be launched at the Gathering for this special price.

Wednesday 30th Oct 7.45pm to 8.30pm.

Each season this year we have met online to pray from wherever you are across our movement.

We’d love you to register for our last online prayer gathering to pray in the lead up to the November Gathering / Assembly.

Our Spring Prayer Spotlight is “Mission”. So, we’ll spend time praying that God would use us to make disciples who make disciples as we seek to see 1000 healthy churches in a generation. We will ask God for our churches and for our Baptist family members to make more and more of an impact for Jesus in the communities where God has placed them. We’ll pray also for our November Gathering / Assembly and for other issues that impact our movement and God’s work.

To register for the Spring online prayer night, click here.

National Baptism Week falls in October and serves as an opportunity and a prompt for churches, youth groups, small groups and ministries to celebrate, talk about and offer baptism. In 2023 we saw a 57% increase in baptisms, which we know has a rippling effect in the lives of individuals and churches.

Click here (https://www.crossover.org.au/national-baptism-week/) to find out more, get baptism resources, and share stories of transformation.

Also check out our newest resource – the ‘Exploring Baptism’ booklet. This is the perfect tool for empowering ministry leaders and parents to explore baptism with kids and youth. Available to preview and purchase now on Crossover’s website.

We know there is a connection between prayer, invitation, and celebration when it comes to seeing more people following Jesus. So, Baptist Churches across Australia are partnering with Alpha in Term 2 2025 to use their quality program and foster a culture of invitation to explore Jesus. Alpha has built a webpage that helps to mobilise churches in Mission 25 by taking you through all the necessary steps to see this happen in your church – and it’s all FREE! Use the link below or join us at the upcoming Gathering to find out more about Mission 25.

The Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT has a strong commitment to assisting affiliated local churches to protect children and vulnerable people from harm. Our Creating Safe Spaces safe church training program is an important part of ensuring as far as is possible that local churches conduct ministry that is safe for children and vulnerable people and we are grateful for the opportunity to see approximately 5000 participants complete our training annually.

We are proud to have developed highly respected resources to assist local churches protect children and young people from harm and to fulfil various ethical, legal and insurance requirements.  The Safe Church Coordinator is an integral forward-facing role which interacts with local church leaders via the Safe Church Health Check audit process and our Creating Safe Spaces training to promote a positive safe church culture.

This role will include:

  • Coordinating the CSS Safe Church Health Check process
  • Oversight of the Creating Safe Spaces (CSS) training program including:
  • Offering advice to local church leaders in the area of safe ministry, child protection, complaint management, and risk management with Persons of Concern/known offenders

The Safe Church Coordinator role is a full-time permanent role.

The Safe Church Coordinator role is an essential aspect of fulfilling the Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT Gen1K goal of a thousand healthy churches in a generation.

Interested applicants may direct any questions regarding the role to Rev Jonathan Bradford, Ministry Standards Manager on 9868 9237.

A copy of the position description is available on request by emailing jlam@nswactbaptists.org.au.

Interested applicants are invited to submit their CV along with a covering letter and a statement addressing their suitability for the role based on the Position Description.  These should be forwarded to Joseph Lam by email.

Applications close on 1st November 2024.

‘Our Story’ is where we share stories of our wider Baptist movement; stories from our journey towards our goal of becoming a movement of 1,000 healthy churches in a generation, stories of how Baptist Churches in NSW & ACT are navigating key issues, and stories from our affiliated groups.

Sharing stories is vital so that we can learn from each other, be encouraged to persevere in our ministries, and witness how God is working amongst his Church. We hope that Our Story will be an inspiration for you and your church.

By converting their double garage, Ken and Tho laid the foundation for what would become New Creation Life Church. The church started with a congregation of fifteen, and has steadily grown serving the Cabramatta area.

On 11 August, New Creation Life Church celebrated its first birthday. Visit OurStory to read more about how God is at work in Cabramatta through the ministry of Ken and Tho and the exciting directions that their ministry is heading in.

If you have a story about how your ministry, church, or region is stepping into the Gen1K vision send an email to hello@nswactbaptists.org.au with more details.

Over the weekend of 8-10 November, we invite you to Walk the World!

Each year, it’s been wonderful to see how churches, groups and individuals have taken the simple idea of Walk the World, and run with it! And we can’t wait to see all the ways people Walk the World this year!

Over the weekend of 8-10 November, get out into your neighbourhood – in whatever way works for you – and pray.

Pray for God to be at work in your community and communities all over the world. Pray for the people you encounter day to day and lift up our intercultural team members as they build relationships and share God’s love with local friends.

Register to stay informed on all things Walk the World 2024 >> 

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