
Lead Pastor

Website Dubbo Baptist Church

Dubbo Baptist Church is seeking a full-time lead pastor. The church is a growing, vibrant community seeking to honour God in the regional city of Dubbo, located in Central West NSW.

We seek a visionary and motivator who is able to lead the church into the next season of growth. The likely candidate should have experience in pastoral leadership, have effective communication skills, and be a team player.

For further information, including church, community, pastoral profiles and job description, please request a copy from Erle Friend (chair of Pastoral Search Team) at pastoral.search@dubbobaptist.org.au

If you believe God is calling you to this position, we are keen to hear from you. Please express your interest by providing a copy of your CV, plus a cover page addressing your suitability for the position, to Erle Friend.

Upload your CV/resume or any other relevant file. Max. file size: 1 GB.

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