

Leadership Development 101 – 20+ Participants


Leadership Development 101 is a training course specifically designed for junior leaders aged 11-17, who are serving (or soon to begin serving), in an area of local church ministry.  Whether you have junior leaders serving in children’s or youth ministry, worship ministry, welcoming, audio/visual or in any other leadership role, this course will develop their leadership as they serve in your church.

SKU: A130/4209 (1)-1-1-1-1 Categories: ,

Leadership Development 101 is a training course specifically designed for junior leaders aged 11-17, who are serving (or soon to begin serving), in an area of local church ministry.  Whether you have junior leaders serving in children’s or youth ministry, worship ministry, welcoming, technology, administration or in any other leadership role, this course will develop their leadership as they serve in your church.

At the end of the course they will receive a certificate, but more importantly knowledge and insights that will be beneficial throughout their lives as they lead in ministry, school and workplaces. We are praying for this generation that they will find belonging and purpose as they follow Jesus.


Leadership Development 101 is divided into 4 modules. Over 12 core lessons, and 11 skill-specific optional lessons, a wide variety of topics are covered from character, spiritual growth, teamwork, communication, spiritual gifts, skill development, safety, and much more.

Modules 1, 2 & 4 contain four lessons each, and are relevant to junior leaders serving in all church ministry roles. Module 3 contains eleven lessons, each focusing on specific skills that are relevant to junior leaders serving children’s ministry, youth ministry, welcoming, AV or worship.

Module One: Leadership

What is a leader?
The importance of character
Growing in your relationship with God
Joining in with God’s Mission

Module Two: Team

Your role on the team
Working under and alongside others
Communicating with your leader and team
Spiritual gifts God has given you

Module Three: Skills for Ministry

Children’s Ministry
Helping kids to engage
Telling a good story
Answering kids questions
Connecting with kids families

Youth Ministry
Leading great games
Facilitating small group discussion
Helping youth to engage
Sharing your testimony

Other Ministry Areas
Serving in Audio/Visual at church
Serving in Worship at church
Serving in Welcoming at church

Module Four: Care

Keeping your ministry area safe
Creating a safe space for everyone
Taking care of yourself as a leader
Making a lasting impact


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