Authorised SRE Curriculum
The Baptist Association of NSW & ACT (Baptist Union of NSW) has (in conjunction with local Minister’s Associations & Boards) authorised the following curriculums to be used for SRE. These curriculums are reviewed cyclically and are created to be age appropriate, sensitive and relevant for SRE and NSW Government Schools. For more information about the content, the cycle of review, the Scope & Sequence outlining the content and contact details for more information for each curriculum please see below.
Primary Schools
Approved Seminar Presenters
Amber Lights (High School)
Discovery Seminars (High School)
Additional Approved Resources
High Schools
Think Faith (Stage 4 & 5)
Jesus the Game Changer (Stage 6)
Discovery Curriculum (Warners Bay Christian Education Association)
Explore (Holroyd Combined Churches)
Life Questions (Seven Summits)
FEAST (Fairfield Evangelical Association of Scripture Teaching)
PeaceWise Stage 4 (Schools Edition)