
SRE Authorisation 2025


This form is an SRE Authorisation form for new teachers currently attending a Baptist church or have been teaching under another denomination but now attending a Baptist Church. Please take your time to complete the following form and answer all questions correctly and honestly. Be aware that most fields in this form have mandatory/required entries. If any questions you come across are not relevant please indicate N/A or DNK (do not know) Please complete all the form then click submit. You will then receive an email with a summary of your form. Print off a copy, sign, scan and keep one on record at your church and a copy sent to our SRE email address. If anything on this form raises questions or concerns please contact Shelley Ashton SRE Team Leader for the Baptist Association on 98689239 before submitting the form.

Personal Details

Full Legal Name(Required)
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Type of Application
If you have never taught SRE before select the appropriate new category. If you are returning to teaching after a period away tick reapplying box. You will be asked to give further information about last time you taught SRE and church you were attending at the time. If you are transferring from another denomination you will be asked to provide additional information below.
Type of Application(Required)
If you have never taught SRE before select the appropriate new category. If you are returning to teaching after a period away tick reapplying box. You will be asked to give further information about last time you taught SRE and church you were attending at the time. If you are transferring from another denomination you will be asked to provide additional information below.
Reapplying after extended time away. Note N/A if you are applying as a new teacher/helper/presenter.
Let us know what church & denomination you were attending at the time. Note N/A if you are applying as a new teacher/helper/presenter.
Please list the name of the church & denomination you are currently authorised with. Note N/A if you are applying as a new teacher/helper/presenter.
Please list the date of expiry as per your authorisation card. Please email a photo of your card along with your other required documents. Note N/A if you are applying as a new teacher/helper/presenter.
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Volunteer or Paid
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Teaching Status
Volunteer or Paid(Required)
Teaching Status(Required)
Home Address(Required)
Preferred Phone Contact(Required)
Select one or both and add number/s in fields below
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Please note of you do not have a current NSW working with children check number you will need to apply for one before proceeding
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Sometimes people like to be addressed in a certain way like Miss/Mrs/Mr/Ms or just last name etc.. Please indicate what name you would like on your card that students and school staff will see. If you go by a different name /name you would like on your authorisation card. No first names only. If same as legal name, just right same.

Baptist Church I attend Details

Note non attendance or irregular attendance may affect your application. SRE teachers must be connected regularly to a local Baptist church with the endorsement of their local Baptist pastor.
Personal Declaration(Required)
It is important that SRE teachers are in regular attendance of their local church and in regular contact with their SRE coordinator/Pastor. By completing this declaration I am honestly indicating my intention to be regularly connected to my local church by attending services and/or connected to a Connect Group run by my church. This allows for accountability, connection and support to be offered. I understand that at any time my pastor feels they no longer see me connected, they can contact us and we have the right to reconsider your authorisation. If the pastor/ SRE team deem you are no longer considered a regular attender your authorisation maybe cancelled. Choose any number of options below relevant to your situation.
Please indicate which Baptist Association Church you attend. If your church is another denomination please list your home church in next section.
List how long you have been attending the church either by year number or year date since.
Church Pastor Name(Required)
If there is no pastor in your church, the endorsement needs to come from a senior leader in your church- deacon/elder.
Church SRE Coordinator Name(Required)
If there is no SRE Coordinator in your church, either your Pastor or yourself become Coordinator by default.
Name of your SRE School Coordinator
In many cases where you are teaching in a combined arrangement, you will have a coordinator that may not be from your church, but coordinates many teachers in one or more schools. If you have their contact details please include here. Do not add if its the same person you nominated in previous field.
This is not a required field but add if you know who this person is.

SRE Board Details

If you are employed or associated with a local SRE Board or SU/Generate, please add details here. If not applicable to you, please add N/A in required fields
Where an SRE teacher is paid they will be employed by a board. Generate is one, but there are others also. If you are employed by a board please give details here. If this section is not relevant to you please indicate N/A .
Best Contact Name of Board member(Required)
Say N/A if not applicable

Mandatory Child Protection Training & Compliance

Please be aware that in most cases we no longer accept training from other organisations. we have some exception if you are transferring from another denomination, we will accept current training that will be expected to update with Baptist Creating Safe Spaces in agreed time frame. This can be discussed during the application process.
Please note completion of the CSS course includes both online and zoom/face to face of this course. Online only will not be considered. Certificates do not need to be provided in most cases as well can access CSS records. If you have either Anglican or Breaking the Silence Training, you will need to supply certificate as evidence of competition. If we can not confirm your details your application will be placed on hold until confirmation is received from our CSS team or external sources.
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Department of Education Child Protection Training
Currently whilst not mandatory, the DoE highly recommends completing their annual online training. If you have completed this, please email to sre @nswactbaptists.org.au
Department of Education Child Protection Training(Required)
Currently whilst not mandatory, the DoE highly recommends completing their annual online training. If you have completed this, please email to sre @nswactbaptists.org.au
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Pastor Endorsement Form completed
If you do not have your form yet please note that your application will be received and processed when submitted but will remain in pending until all documents are submitted.If you have endorsement form email to sre@nswactbaptists.org.au
Pastor Endorsement Form completed(Required)
If you do not have your form yet please note that your application will be received and processed when submitted but will remain in pending until all documents are submitted.
If you indicate no, note this will delay your application until it has been completed and received by our office.
If you indicate no, note this will delay your application until it has been completed and received by our office.
Associated Policies of the Baptist Association(Required)
I understand that as a volunteer/paid person being authorised by the Baptist Association, I am asked to be familiar with the following policies and procedures of the Association that relate to SRE:. I have found these in the sre website (https://nswactbaptists.org.au/baptistsre/) read them and tick below an acknowledgement of having read and agreed to them. I have accessed the relevant policies and procedures via the links provided. I declare I have been given access to the policies and procedures, read and acknowledge each of these policies and procedures and agree to what they say. I understand If I haven't I won't be able to proceed with this application. If I indicate a blank response, I understand the assumption is I don't agree with them and my application will be placed on pause until someone from the SRE office gets in touch with about why this might be the case.

School and Curriculum Information

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Type of School
Nominate the types of schools you teach in. Tick as many as are applicable to you
Type of School(Required)
Nominate the types of schools you teach in. Tick as many as are applicable to you
Tick all relevant age groups you will be working with.
Curriculum Used(Required)
Tick as many as are applicable to use. You must teach from an approved curriculum. If yours is not listed here, please tick other and speak with the Baptist Association's SRE Team Leader to discuss. CEP listed includes Connect, beginning with God and Big Questions. JTGC stands for Jesus the Game Changer. WBECA- Warners Bay. If you are applying to be a seminar presenter and use own scripts, those scripts must be presented for approval before use.
If you teach in multiple schools please separate either by comma or add on separate line. Note all schools you could potentially teach at needed to be included, not just your regular schools. If you are on a casual/ fill in list at a school, this needs to be listed here as well. This will also need to be on the combined arrangements form your SRE coordinator completes for the school.

SRE Module Training Information

Please note that we no longer accept other training for new teachers. Training must be Essentials. If for any reason you have accessed other training please contact us before submitting your application.Only in the case of transfer from another denomination, can you choose other for training. The SRE team leader for the Baptist Association will discuss with you prior to your application, if training you have completed will be accepted. Certificates/evidence of training must be provided. In most cases you will still be asked to complete some training with us. That will be discussed at the time of applying. Please note for Modules 1 & 7 there is no exceptions granted, it must be Essentials training. If you are returning after an extended absence you may be asked to complete Refresher training as part of your reapplication. Provision is given below Modules section for this situation. Click Refresher Option in Drop down
Note no other training will be accepted for this Module. It must be Essentials only for this Module.
In a small number of cases RPL may be granted to recognised trained teachers, for this Module. If granted that will be discussed prior to completing the form.
In a small number of cases RPL may be granted to recognised trained teachers, for this Module. If granted that will be discussed prior to completing the form.
In a small number of cases RPL may be granted to recognised trained ministers, for this Module. If granted that will be discussed prior to completing the form.
Module 6 does not come with a certificate of completion but rather provides teacher information on what their yearly requirements are to be able to continue teaching SRE.
Note no other training will be accepted for this Module. It must be Essentials only for this Module.
If you are a paid HS teacher you may required to complete further theological training depending on your loading. This can be discussed with our HS Coordinator first. Please list here any theological training or vocational training you think may be applicable for us to know about. Please email transcripts/documentation to sre @nswactbaptists.org.au


When you submit this form you should receive an email with a summary of what you have completed here. Please print this summary off and sign it and ask your pastor to sign it and keep a copy on file at church. It is the responsibility of the church to hold such records for a period of 45 years, especially with information regarding child protection matters. By signing this document you declare everything on this form has been filled out with honesty and transparency. You understand that this document is a binding document and can be used for auditing or legal purposes. By signing this document , the pastor understands their role in supporting you and responsible in allowing you to represent your church in the local school/s. They have followed the process of responsibility of a pastor as outlined on the SRE website by conducting an interview. They agree you are suitable to teach/help in a public school classroom. They are satisfied you have completed all the required training and accept that your church will continue to offer ongoing support and accountability in this role and to help you keep track of when authorisation and training will need to be renewed/updated.
Add full name as an indication you have read the above declaration.
Add the date you completed this form
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