
SRE non Baptist return

SRE Reauthorisation Form- (non Baptist Church version)

SRE Reauthorisation Form- Non Baptist 2024 version

This form is an SRE Authorisation form for teachers seeking reauthorisation with the Baptist Association and currently attending another church but locally endorsed by a Baptist Pastor.Please take your time to complete the following form and answer all questions correctly and honestly.Please complete all the form then click submit . You will then receive an email with a summary of your form. Print off a copy, sign, scan and keep one on record at your church.If anything on this form raises questions or concerns please contact Shelley Ashton SRE Team Leader for the Baptist Association on 98689239 before submitting the form. Please use this checklist before starting the form to ensure you have all the correct documentation. If you have this document please either attach in the field below or email to sre@nswactbaptists.org.auDocuments can either be saved on this form or emailed to us at sre@nswactbaptists.org.au

Personal Details

Home Address(Required)
Preferred Phone Contact(Required)
Select one or both and add number/s in fields below
If you would rather us contact you on either a home or work landline number, or happy to give a second option of contact, please leave a number here
My Working with Children Check is still current and not expired(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Church I attend Details

To be authorised by the Baptist Association you must be regularly attending your church.Note non attendance or irregular attendance may affect your application. SRE teachers must be connected regularly to a local church with the endorsement of their local pastor.
Personal Declaration(Required)
It is important that SRE teachers are in regular attendance of their local church and in regular contact with their SRE coordinator/Pastor. By completing this declaration I am honestly indicating my intention to be regularly connected to my local church by attending services and/or connected to a Connect Group run by my church. This allows for accountability, connection and support to be offered. I understand that at any time my pastor feels they no longer see me connected, they can contact us and we have the right to reconsider your authorisation. If the pastor/ SRE team deem you are no longer considered a regular attender your authorisation maybe cancelled. Choose any number of options below relevant to your situation.
Home Church Pastor/Minister Name(Required)
If there is no pastor in your church, list a senior leader in your church- deacon/elder.
Nominate here the local Baptist church that endorsed you last time you were authorised or as is listed on your Pastor Endorsement form.
Baptist Church Pastor Name(Required)
Current Pastor of Baptist Church that has endorsed you in the past
Church SRE Coordinator Name(Required)
Please include here the name of the SRE coordinator either from your church or the local Baptist Church that is endorsing you.
In some instances SRE teachers will have an area coordinator from another denomination, coordinating a school or a number of schools. It is not required to provide their details, but of you think it would be helpful for us to know please provide.
This is the person who may coordinate SRE in your school and is from another church.

SRE Board Details

If you are employed or associated with a local SRE Board or SU/Generate, please add details here. If not applicable leave blank.
If you are employed or associated with a local SRE Board or SU/Generate, please add details here. If not applicable leave blank.
Best Contact Name of Board member
Leave blank if not applicable
Leave blank if not applicable
Leave blank if not applicable

Mandatory Child Protection Training

We no longer accept child protection training from other denominations or organisations. Reauthorisation will only be granted if you have current Creating Safe Spaces Training. In most instances we can now access CSS certificates. We will contact you if we haven't been able to verify completion.
Creating Safe Spaces
Department of Education Child Protection Training (Not Mandatory)(Required)
If you have completed this, you can email to sre @nswactbaptists.org.au
Additional DoE Declaration(Required)
The DoE brought in a new declaration that all current SRE teachers must have completed before the end of September 2024. Note teachers will not be reauthorised without this declaration completed. Please email to @nswactbaptists.org.au if you are yet to do so.

School and Curriculum Information

Type of Application(Required)
Teaching Status(Required)
Type of School(Required)
Nominate the types of schools you teach in. Tick as many as are applicable to you
Volunteer or Paid(Required)
Curriculum Used(Required)
Tick as many as are applicable to use. You must teach from an approved curriculum. If yours is not listed here, please tick other and speak with the Baptist Association's SRE Team Leader to discuss. CEP listed includes Connect, beginning with God and Big Questions. JTGC stands for Jesus the Game Changer. WBECA- Warners Bay.
If you teach in multiple schools please separate either by comma or add on separate line. Note all schools you could potentially teach at needed to be included, not just your regular schools. If you are on a casual/ fill in list at a school, this needs to be listed here as well. This will also need to be on the combined arrangements form your SRE coordinator completes for the school.

SRE Module Training Information

Baptist Authorised teachers seeking reauthorisation must complete a version of Refresher Training. If in the event you haven't been able to attend a Refresher you may be asked to update one or two modules. Tick which option is relevant for you. No need to supply certificates as we have those on file already.
Update Module Training(Required)
If you have been granted RPL please write N/A
Note helpers are not required to complete but still encouraged to do a Self Reflection. All teachers are required to completed a Self Reflection.
The DoE requires SRE teachers to undertake yearly training that counts towards two hours of professional development. This can be a children's ministry conference like Youthworks( Anglican) or Connect Days (Baptist) or meeting with your team to share ideas and resources, it could be updating module training or completing refreshers of modules. Briefly list here name of training/ date it was completed/who ran it, Email relevant documents to the SRE team.
Certificate of Currency(Required)
It is a requirement of Approved Provider to supply the DoE with their certificate of currency. This covers an SRE teacher insurance wise. Non Baptist church people need to provide their church's Certificate of Currency to forward onto the DoE.


When you submit this form you should receive an email with a summary of what you have completed here. Please print this summary off and sign it and ask your pastor to sign it and keep a copy on file at church. It is the responsibility of the church to hold such records for a period of 45 years, especially with information regarding child protection matters. By signing this document you declare everything on this form has been filled out with honesty and transparency. You understand that this document is a binding document and can be used for auditing or legal purposes. By signing this document , the pastor understands their role in supporting you and responsible in allowing you to represent your church in the local school/s. They have followed the process of responsibility of a pastor as outlined on the SRE website by conducting an interview. They agree you are suitable to teach/help in a public school classroom. They are satisfied you have completed all the required training and accept that your church will continue to offer ongoing support and accountability in this role and to help you keep track of when authorisation and training will need to be renewed/updated.
Add full name as an indication you have read the above declaration.
add the date you completed this form
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