The Book of Mark is a fascinating look at the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
It outlines a number of events that describe the words and actions of Jesus that require its readers to consider its meaning both for themselves, as well as our wider world.
In this resource we ask two critical questions:
- Who do you say Jesus is?
- Who does Jesus say you are?
The videos are presented by members of the Baptist Youth Ministries team and can be used in small groups or as part of a larger youth event.
We not only trust this resource is a blessing to those leading in youth ministries but that it provides opportunities for young people to hear a fresh the message of Jesus and be challenged to place their faith in Him.
Series Overview
Talk 1 – Steve Dixon
John, Baptism of Jesus (Mark 1: 1-11)- Talk 2 – Sarah Alarcon
Healing, Forgiveness (Mark 2: 1-12)
- Talk 3 – Eliseo Juan Ramirez
Generosity of God, Grace (Mark 4: 1-20)
- Talk 4 – Emma Donaldson
God Provides for our Every Need ( Mark 6: 30-44)
- Talk 5 – Steve Cole
The Way of Suffering (Mark 8: 27-37)
- Talk 6 – Fiona Gardner
Abandonment (Mark 14: 27-52)
- Talk 7 – Will Tugwell
Crucifixion & Death (Mark 15: 21-41)
- Talk 8 – Rachel Stuhr
Resurrection (Mark 16: 1-8)
- Talk 9 – Steve Dixon
What Now? (Mark 16: 9-20)