
Our Founding Doctrines

Each Baptist church in NSW & ACT has its own expression of Christian community. These expressions vary greatly from church to church.

However, each church and minister supports 8 Basic Doctrines in order to be an Affiliated member church of the Association or an Accredited (or Recognised) minister. This ensures that the foundation of our movement is based in a common understanding of significant aspects of our faith.  These are the doctrines our Association was founded on: 

(a) The sinfulness of man
(b) The Deity of Jesus Christ
(c) His atonement for the sin of man
(d) The need of the Holy Spirit for conversion
(e) The divine inspiration of the Scripture
(f) The resurrection of the dead
(g) Rewards and punishment in a future state
(h) The baptism of believers only by immersion.

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