Welcome to Essentials- Baptist online SRE teacher training.
Module 1 is part of a 7 module course, based on the ICCOREIS framework of competencies.
The Baptist Essentials online individual modules and complete course has been created by the SRE Team leader of the Baptist Association using training material written based on the Essentials Zoom & Essentials Face to Face training written by ACC, Baptist and Presbyterian SRE representatives and members of ICCOREIS.
This Module is available to any SRE teacher from any denomination.
Individual Modules are only to be completed by currently authorised teachers who have been asked by their provider to update certain modules. Please note Essentials also offers 2 Refresher Units that updates teachers in all 7 modules. These are currently run in Zoom mode.
Before beginning please make sure your Approved Provider (AUTHORISING BODY) is aware you are undertaking this training.
This course material is copyright to Essentials and the Baptist Association NSW & ACT and must not be copied for the purpose of ‘training’ others. Certificates can be issued to the participant registered for this module to be forwarded to their approved provider for proof of completion.
Having trouble progressing? A few of helpful tips to ensure you can progress through the course unhindered.
1. We advise using a laptop or desktop to complete rather than a iPad, tablet or phone. Sometimes smaller devices don’t correctly adjust the formatting to a smaller screen and the progress button can appear to have disappeared.
2. Ensure you complete all quiz questions. Any not correctly answered or left out, will mean the system will not allow you to progress.
3. You do not need to enter responses multiple times in the quizzes. If the system has allowed you to progress, then we have received your responses.
4. You do not need to wait for manual responses to be marked to progress.
5. Ensure you have good internet coverage. Sometimes issues can be because your connection drops out.
6. If there is an issue at our end (for example our website has dropped out), please wait and return to try again later.
7. If you have issues logging back into your account we have created a generic one page guide to log back in via our website. Click button below to access this guide.
8. If you attempt password entry multiple times, the system will lock you out. You will need to contact our office during business hours to reset this for you.
Still having problems?
Contact our office during business hours Monday- Thursday
Phone- 0298689239 or email-sre@nswactbaptists.org.au. If phone unattended please leave a message or send an email and we will respond as soon as possible.