
Church Health Assessment Tool

Is it time for a CHAT? The Church Health Team has devised a simple tool to support churches in measuring and tracking health across a number of key markers. Participants are invited to provide some helpful demographical information and then respond to 36 statements about their church. There is also opportunity to provide constructive feedback on how the health of the church might be improved.

To download a PDF copy of the CHAT please click the link below. However, please note that the CHAT is made available in the first instance as a Microsoft form that participants will access via an online link that will be provided by the Church Health Team. This allows the vast majority of participants to complete the CHAT quickly and easily on their computer or mobile device.

Once all participants have completed the CHAT the Church Health Team will produce a summary report. To download a sample report please click the link below.

For more information about rolling out the CHAT in your church please email health@nswactbaptists.org.au

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