
BaptistCare Update

AGM Invitation

BaptistCare warmly invites all churches and pastors to its Annual Member and Stakeholder event on Thursday, 10 November, starting at 2:30pm. The AGM will provide important updates on the incredible work of BaptistCare in the last financial year as well as provide insight into their work in the next 12-18 months. The event is open to anyone, and all are warmly invited to attend. It is an online event. For more information or to register to attend, please visit baptistcare.org.au/annual-general-meeting

HopeStreet Halo Ball

The BaptistCare HopeStreet Halo Ball raises vital funds for women and children escaping domestic violence. Since the first event in 2015, we have raised over $500,000. Together we have helped provide:

  • Safe medium-term accommodation for over 330 women and their children
  • Individual and group support programs and counselling for over 600 women and their children
  • No-Interest loans worth over $566,000, giving women immediate access to finances

Through the vital contributions of pastors, individuals and churches, HopeStreet has offered support to hundreds of people like Brigit*. After reaching breaking point, Brigit took her three children and fled her abusive husband. She found BaptistCare HopeStreet and was provided with emergency food relief and then connected to temporary housing support. You can read more of Brigit’s story here.

Thank you for your ongoing support of women, children and families escaping domestic violence and who are rebuilding their lives. Please continue to give generously to this vital cause by donating here https://baptistcare.org.au/halo-ball-donate

The Halo Ball is on Friday, 28 October at The Fullerton Hotel Sydney. You are warmly invited to purchase last minute tickets by emailing melanie@melaniehendraevents.com. For more information about the Halo Ball, visit https://baptistcare.org.au/haloball

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