
Healthy Youth Ministry Framework

Our Healthy Youth Ministry Framework is a new tool designed to help you ensure the health of your youth ministry and identify areas that could use some work. With your help, we’ve been working hard for the last 2 years to clearly define healthy youth ministry and gather resources for youth pastors to use in …

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Opportunity to Pray Together

Prayer is a continuous need and a spiritual discipline which as followers of Jesus we are called to participate in, individually and together. We want to keep providing opportunities to pray together. The next opportunity is coming up online on Thursday 5th October from 7.45pm to 8.30pm. Please join us from wherever you are across our movement for …

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‘Our Story’ is where we share stories of our wider Baptist movement; stories from our journey towards our goal of becoming a movement of 1,000 healthy churches in a generation, stories of how Baptist Churches in NSW & ACT are navigating key issues, and stories from our affiliated groups. Sharing stories is vital so that we …

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Igniting the Evangelistic Spark: Mobilizing Communities & Maximising National Baptism Week

This month at our online Insights pastors and leaders gathering, we were joined by Karl Faase, CEO of Olive Tree Media where he shared with us about the heart of evangelism tied into National Baptism Week happening in October. Karl shared with us insights, strategies, and stories that highlighted the transformative impact of evangelism within …

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FORM conference 2023 is happening next week and its not too late to sign up for a day visit! Registrations for one day (Thursday 5 October) visits close this Friday, September 29 so make sure to head to the FORM website HERE to register now!

A medical analogy

Imagine that churches were like limbs, maybe an arm or a leg, that had sustained an injury. A scratch would require a Band Aid. A cut might require stitching, but a limb with severe muscle and tissue damage or a broken bone might need reconstructive surgery? Where there is gangrene or total loss of tissue, amputation …

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