
Ministry Standards Update – Welcome Safe Church Coordinator Stephen Donohue



Creating Safe Spaces workshops are up and running for 2025, both in person and online. You can find upcoming workshops at https://creatingsafespaces.org.au/events/. If your church would like to host a workshop, you can fill out the request form at https://creatingsafespaces.org.au/hosting/.

We will also be running our Advanced Creating Safe Spaces in July/August this year. The dates are Saturday 26 July (Day 1, online only), Saturday August 9 (Day 2 online) and Monday August 11 (Day 2 in person at Ministry and Learning Centre, Macquarie Park). For more information or to register, please go use the link below.

This month, Stephen Donohue has started as our new Safe Church Coordinator. He joins the Ministry Standards Team from Heathcote Engadine Baptist Church, where he served as Associate Pastor.

“From my time in pastoral ministry, I really appreciate the work of many people in our Association to equip pastors, leaders and volunteers to be safe ministry practitioners. I see this as a key aspect to achieving our Gen1K goal, because we can’t have 1,000 healthy churches without them being safe spaces.

It’s encouraging to see this happening at many levels – from ministry leaders and helpers in local churches, to the leadership team here at the Baptist Ministry Centre. As I begin my time in this role, I’m thankful for the part you all play in this important work.”

If you have questions regarding Safe Church policies and procedures or the Safe Church Health Check, you can email Stephen at sdonohue@nswactbaptists.org.au.

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