Prayer for Bushfires
Below are resources to help focus your prayer during this season.
Bushfire Prayer – By Carolyn Altman
Almighty God,
We are powerless to stop these bushfires that are crippling our nation, that are turning day into night, that are making widows and orphans, that are destroying homes, lives and businesses, and that are decimating our wildlife, our livestock and our crops. But Lord, we remember that You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm, and nothing is too hard for you. So Father, we ask in Jesus’ name that You will hear and answer our cries for help and pray that You will send rain, because that is the only thing that will put out all of these fires.
We pray Father for our Pastors, Churches, Chaplains and Pastoral Carers that are in the midst of these fire-ravaged communities. They need Your special strength, grace, peace and comfort that can only come from You, as many of them need to care for others while also suffering their own losses. May they be able to show the love of Jesus to those in their community, and may we uphold them with our prayers and our support in any way they ask us to.
Lord, we ask for a special blessing and a ring of protection upon all of those people that have, and are continuing to, put their lives on the line fighting fires on our behalf. We pray that You will keep them safe and give them strength and stamina to keep fighting. Please also bless those that are caring for our injured wildlife and give them the emotional strength to care for these suffering creatures.
Father God, we ask that You comfort those that have lost so much, and that we as Your children will be Your hands and Your feet to those that need help in putting their broken lives back together. Please don’t let us in the weeks and months to come, just get back on the treadmill of life and forget those that have suffered so much. Please draw us together all around this special nation of Australia, to continue to pray for Your Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven, and to care for those that are suffering.
We close Almighty God, with once again asking You to send drought-breaking rain to cleanse our country and put out every single one of these fires.
Thank you Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Bushfire Service of Lament
Coming Soon.