Leadership Development Initiatives
Explore our recommended leadership development and discipleship opportunities. If you would like to explore next steps reach out to our team and they will be more than happy to help you get started on your leadership development journey.
Emerging Leaders
Leadership Development 101
Leadership Development 101 is a training course specifically designed for junior leaders aged 11-17, who are serving (or soon to begin serving), in an area of local church ministry.
Designed for young adults aged 17-21, the IMPACT Gap year is all about seeing young adults growing and thriving as they step into all that God has for them!
Healthy Youth Ministry Framework
The Healthy Youth Ministry Framework, is designed to help youth ministries analyse and assess their areas of potential growth and opportunity.
Developing Leaders
Glasshouse is a tailored training and experiential curriculum to build the knowledge and practice required for a new senior pastor or solo pastor, which will involve 6 days of training over 1 year.
LeadUp is a space for those serving in the staff team of NSW & ACT Baptist Churches but who are not the senior or lead pastor to make an investment into their leadership.
SENT Course
SENT is a one-year experience that equips participants to serve as leaders and core team members for new communities of faith, within our rapidly changing world.
Exploring Mission
Exploring Mission is a pathway to help you explore how God is calling you to engage in intercultural mission. It involves engaging with issues in theology, mission, context, culture and the Gospel.
One of Australia’s premier Christian providers of national, trans-denominational leader development and training, Arrow develops & shapes young, emerging and executive women & men to be Jesus centred leaders.
Principles of Leadership & Management
A subject taught at Morling College that explores many topics relevant to those about to step into pastoral leadership. This subject is taught either ‘standalone’ or as part of a Bachelor and Masters qualification.
Developing Leadership Teams
Leadership Pipelines
Leadership Pipelines offers a comprehensive framework to help intentionally identify and develop individuals with leadership potential within the local church.
Adaptive Leadership
FORM Conference
FORM is a place for church leaders, pastors, members of church communities, small groups, and anyone wanting to learn how to better engage missionally with their communities, families, colleagues and friends.
Reach Australia
Reach Australia is a network of over 260+ churches that long to see our nation won for Jesus through healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches.
Coaching / Mentoring / Professional Supervision
Coaching is a relational process, aiming to help draw out thoughts, reflect on ideas, make decisions and take action to help leaders reach their own God-given goals.
Mentoring is a relationship between expert and novice, where the mentee is seeking the learned-wisdom, expertise and guidance of the mentor to develop themselves in their ministry
Professional Supervision
Supervision is a place where ministers can they develop themselves in relation to their ministry and wider context – to practise, learn and be held and supported in that process.
Discipleship Initiatives
Building a Discipleship Culture
The BDC process provides you with tools, practices and skills for imitating the life and ministry of Jesus. These tools are simple, memorable and reproducible, allowing them to be passed from generation to generation.
Plan A
PLAN A is a training resource created to inspire and equip Christians with a “why” and “how” that is applicable to their season of life, gifts, and personality.
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that create a safe and honest space, online or in person, where people can explore life, faith and meaning.
Faith Runs Deep
The Faith Runs Deep Church Campaign is a 6-week series exploring the landscape of faith in Australia throughout our history and today.
Emerging Leaders
Leadership Development 101
Leadership Development 101 is a training course specifically designed for junior leaders aged 11-17, who are serving (or soon to begin serving), in an area of local church ministry.
Designed for young adults aged 17-21, the IMPACT Gap year is all about seeing young adults growing and thriving as they step into all that God has for them!
Healthy Youth Ministry Framework
The Healthy Youth Ministry Framework, is designed to help youth ministries analyse and assess their areas of potential growth and opportunity.
Developing Leaders
Glasshouse (PIM)
Glasshouse is a tailored training and experiential curriculum to build the knowledge and practice required for a new senior pastor or solo pastor, which will involve 6 days of training over 1 year.
LeadUp is a space for those serving in the staff team of NSW & ACT Baptist Churches but who are not the senior or lead pastor to make an investment into their leadership.
Taking a strengths-based approach, Multiply focuses on supporting stable to thriving churches as they improve their health and partnering together for multiplication.
SENT Course
SENT is a one-year experience that equips participants to serve as leaders and core team members for new communities of faith, within our rapidly changing world.
Exploring Mission
Exploring Mission is a 5 Unit pathway to help you explore how God is calling you to engage in intercultural mission. It involves engaging with a wide range of issues in theology, mission, context, culture and the Gospel.
One of Australia’s premier Christian providers of national, trans-denominational leader development and training, Arrow develops and shapes young, emerging and executive women and men to be Jesus centred leaders.
Developing Leadership Teams
Leadership Pipelines
Leadership Pipelines offers a comprehensive framework to help intentionally identify and develop individuals with leadership potential within the local church.
Adaptive Leadership
FORM Conference
FORM is a place for church leaders, pastors, members of church communities, small groups, and anyone wanting to learn how to better engage missionally with their communities, families, colleagues and friends.
Reach Australia
Reach Australia is a network of over 260+ churches that long to see our nation won for Jesus through healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches.
Coaching / Mentoring / Professional Supervision
Coaching is a relational process, aiming to help draw out thoughts, reflect on ideas, make decisions and take action to help leaders reach their own God-given goals.
Mentoring is a relationship between expert and novice, where the mentee is seeking the learned-wisdom, expertise and guidance of the mentor to develop themselves in their ministry
Professional Supervision
Supervision is a place where ministers can they develop themselves in relation to their ministry and wider context – to practise, learn and be held and supported in that process.
Discipleship Initiatives
Building a Discipleship Culture
The BDC process provides you with tools, practices and skills for imitating the life and ministry of Jesus. These tools are simple, memorable and reproducible, allowing them to be passed from generation to generation
Plan A
PLAN A is a training resource created to inspire and equip Christians with a “why” and “how” that is applicable to their season of life, gifts, and personality.
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that create a safe and honest space, online or in person, where people can explore life, faith and meaning.
Faith Runs Deep
The Faith Runs Deep Church Campaign is a 6-week series exploring the landscape of faith in Australia throughout our history and today.

Morling College, the theological college of the Association, has been delivering quality, biblically-grounded education and training for over 100 years. It offers cutting-edge training in Bible, Ministry, Theology, Evangelism, Mission, Education, Counselling, Chaplaincy and Leadership development.

Bedford College is Australia’s leading not-for-profit vocational tertiary college equipping and empowering people towards a fulfilling career since 1943. For 80 years, Bedford has been delivering nationally recognised qualifications in high-demand sectors such as business, health, education, community services and social work.