
Connect 2023

It’s Time to Connect!!!!

As we emerge from a time of disconnection our perspective on the importance of connection is sharpened. Through our connections our identity and purpose are developed.

There’s so much encouragement from gathering together! Connect seeks to encourage local churches as we gather ministry teams across a region together to be inspired, equipped and encouraged.

In 2023 Connect includes people serving across kids and family ministry, youth ministry and SRE. We are excited by the potential of sharing time together across generational ministries.

Connect is a day of high-quality input and the opportunity for deeper engagement with other leaders in a similar ministry area to you in your region.

Connect is for anyone who wants to be part of the shaping of the future of ministry with, for and from kids, youth and their families.

This includes both paid and volunteer leaders involved in Youth groups, Sunday kids’ programs, Playgroup, Kids’ Clubs, Holiday Programs SRE and intergenerational ministry

Kim Smith the Emerging Leaders Pastor at the Baptist Union of Victotria will help us explore why connection matters for children and young people. There will be locally facilitated workshops at each venue including supporting children and young people with anxiety, developing younger leaders and more. There will be space for worship, prayer and contemplative experiences, plus fun and food and time to connect, share ideas and encourage one another.

Connect Locations

Saturday 18th March 9am-2pm

  • Sydney North – Ministry & Learning Centre, Macquarie Park
  • Sydney South – Sans Souci Baptist
  • Hunter – Belair Baptist Church
  • Illawarra/South Coast – South Coast Life Church, Berry
  • Sydney West – Glenbrook Baptist

Saturday 25th March 9am-2pm

  • Riverina – Wagga Wagga Baptist
  • Western Districts – Molong Baptist
  • Central Coast – Narara Valley Baptist Church

Stay tuned for details in these regions including dates and locations:

  • Northern beaches
  • Mid-North-Coast

For more information and to register https://nswactbaptists.org.au/connect/

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