
Safe Church Health Check

We encourage churches to continue to engage with the Safe Church Health Check through the Baptist Association. In NSW, the 10 Child Safe Standards are now mandatory as of 1st February 2022. The OCG has also indicated that they are continuing to look to build capacity in organisations regarding these standards, but compliance actions have also started to be issued to non-compliant organisations as of 1st February 2023. We also understand that the standards are forthcoming in the ACT. The Safe Church Health Check is an application to the Baptist Association who will then conduct an audit of your church’s policies, procedures and practices against the 10 child safe standards. Passing the Safe Church Health Check represents best practice and gives comfort to your church that you are meeting your obligations. This audit is free to our Baptist churches. More information and the application form can be found at the Creating Safe Spaces Website – https://creatingsafespaces.org.au/schc/.

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