
SRE Opportunities

SRE (Special Religious Education) also known as Scripture, is an amazing opportunity to work in cross cultural ministry right on your church’s doorstep! Coming out of the pandemic and with an aging SRE teacher cohort, we are desperately seeking Christians who love Jesus and love sharing why Jesus thinks kids and young people are important. People might think there is too much to do now to become an SRE teacher. Whilst it’s true that we have more things required of us in terms of training and compliance, it’s a small commitment in the scheme of things to be well equipped, supported and ready to share Christ’s love for all to an almost unreached people group. We can no longer assume that just children from Christian families go to SRE. In many cases across the state, SRE is the only opportunity children and young people will have to hear the Christian message. SRE is not a place for overt evangelism, but it is a safe place children and young people can explore the Christian faith, ask questions, discover who Jesus is and make their owned informed decisions. If your interest is spiked even just slightly, watch our promo video below, ask others about teaching SRE in a school local to you or contact our team!

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